15 combining modal logics

A Kurucz - Studies in Logic and Practical Reasoning, 2007 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter surveys two key combination methods––namely, fusions
and products. It also examines some other combination methods. The properties of …

Modal logics of space

J van Benthem, G Bezhanishvili - Handbook of spatial logics, 2007 - Springer
Despite historical links between the foundations of mathematics and development of
axiomatic geometry, substantial logics for significant spatial structures have been scarce …

Intuitionistic S4 is decidable

M Girlando, R Kuznets, S Marin… - 2023 38th Annual …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper we demonstrate decidability for the intuitionistic modal logic S4 first formulated
by Fischer Servi. This solves a problem that has been open for almost thirty years since it …

A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logics

A Artale, R Kontchakov, V Ryzhikov… - ACM Transactions on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
We design temporal description logics (TDLs) suitable for reasoning about temporal
conceptual data models and investigate their computational complexity. Our formalisms are …

Spatial logic+ temporal logic=?

R Kontchakov, A Kurucz, F Wolter… - Handbook of spatial …, 2007 - Springer
TEMPORAL LOGIC = ? Roman Kontchakov Birkbeck College, London Agi Kurucz King’s …

Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with K

M Rybakov, D Shkatov - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2021 - academic.oup.com
We show that products and expanding relativized products of propositional modal logics
where one component is the minimal monomodal logic K are polynomial-time reducible to …

Multimo dal logics of products of topologies

J Benthem, G Bezhanishvili, B Cate, D Sarenac - Studia Logica, 2006 - Springer
We introduce the horizontal and vertical topologies on the product of topological spaces,
and study their relationship with the standard product topology. We show that the modal …

Complexity of finite-variable fragments of products with non-transitive modal logics

M Rybakov, D Shkatov - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2022 - academic.oup.com
We show that products of propositional modal logics where at least one factor is one of the
monomodal logics,, and are polynomial-time embeddable into their single-variable …

Tractable interval temporal propositional and description logics

A Artale, R Kontchakov, V Ryzhikov… - Proceedings of the …, 2015 - ojs.aaai.org
Tractable Interval Temporal Propositional and Description Logics Page 1 Tractable Interval
Temporal Propositional and Description Logics A. Artale1 and R. Kontchakov2 and V …

Non-primitive recursive decidability of products of modal logics with expanding domains

D Gabelaia, A Kurucz, F Wolter… - Annals of Pure and …, 2006 - Elsevier
We show that—unlike products of 'transitive'modal logics which are usually undecidable—
their 'expanding domain'relativisations can be decidable, though not in primitive recursive …