Success factors for serious games to enhance learning: a systematic review
There is no doubt that an abundance of factors exists that makes learning with serious
games successful. Research articles reporting on these factors, however, tend to focus on …
games successful. Research articles reporting on these factors, however, tend to focus on …
Game learning analytics: Learning analytics for serious games
Video games have become one of the largest entertainment industries, and their power to
capture the attention of players worldwide soon prompted the idea of using games to …
capture the attention of players worldwide soon prompted the idea of using games to …
Game-like language learning in 3-D virtual environments
This paper presents our recent experiences with the design of game-like applications in 3-D
virtual environments as well as its impact on student motivation and learning. Therefore our …
virtual environments as well as its impact on student motivation and learning. Therefore our …
[PDF][PDF] Uso de los videojuegos en básica primaria: una revisión sistemática
M MENDEZ, O BOUDE - Espacios, 2021 - revistaespacios.com
Se muestra los resultados de una investigación desarrollada en la Universidad de La
Sabana, con el objetivo de identificar los usos que se han dado a los videojuegos en …
Sabana, con el objetivo de identificar los usos que se han dado a los videojuegos en …
Exploring the factors influencing learning effectiveness in digital gamebased learning
This study developed an educational online game, Super Delivery, targeting knowledge
about saving electricity, and conducted case studies of eight sixth-grade students using this …
about saving electricity, and conducted case studies of eight sixth-grade students using this …
Automated malware classification based on network behavior
Over the past decade malware, ie, malicious software, has become a major security threat
on the Internet. Today anti-virus companies receive thousands of malicious samples every …
on the Internet. Today anti-virus companies receive thousands of malicious samples every …
< e-Adventure>: Introducing educational games in the learning process
Within the last years educational games have attracted some attention from the academic
community. Multiple enhancements of the learning experience are usually attributed to …
community. Multiple enhancements of the learning experience are usually attributed to …
The effect of uncertainty on learning in game-like environments
Considering the role of games for educational purposes, there has an increase in interest
among educators in applying strategies used in popular games to create more engaging …
among educators in applying strategies used in popular games to create more engaging …
Application of a low-cost web-based simulation to improve students' practical skills in medical education
BACKGROUND: Practical sessions in undergraduate medical education are often costly and
have to face constraints in terms of available laboratory time and practice materials (eg …
have to face constraints in terms of available laboratory time and practice materials (eg …
Relationship between learning styles and genres of games
Computer based games for learning, like any other computer games, have different genres.
They can be categorized as action, puzzle, strategy, and so on. On the other hand, different …
They can be categorized as action, puzzle, strategy, and so on. On the other hand, different …