Higher education dominance and siloed knowledge: a systematic review of flipped classroom research
This structured review examined (academic) publications on flipped or inverted classrooms
based on all Scopus database (n= 530) references available until mid-June 2016. The …
based on all Scopus database (n= 530) references available until mid-June 2016. The …
Preparing teachers to teach in K-12 blended environments: A systematic map** review of research trends, impact, and themes
Despite evidence concerning the widespread growth of K-12 blended teaching and the
impact that emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the …
impact that emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the …
A comparison of flipped learning with gamification, traditional learning, and online independent study: the effects on students' mathematics achievement and cognitive …
This study examines Grade 9 students' mathematics achievement and cognitive
engagement under three different instructional approaches: traditional learning, flipped …
engagement under three different instructional approaches: traditional learning, flipped …
Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom: Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects
The flipped classroom approach is a type of technology-enhanced pedagogy that has grown
popular in education settings. An increasing number of empirical studies have evaluated this …
popular in education settings. An increasing number of empirical studies have evaluated this …
Effects of gamified interactive e-books on students' flipped learning performance, motivation, and meta-cognition tendency in a mathematics course
It is widely recognized that flipped learning has great potential for enhancing students'
conceptual understanding through the reversed arrangement of before-class learning …
conceptual understanding through the reversed arrangement of before-class learning …
The impact of student engagement on learning outcomes in a cyber-flipped course
A cyber-flipped course was conducted with the flipped classroom pedagogy by using a
wholly online approach for all learning activities in asynchronous and synchronous class …
wholly online approach for all learning activities in asynchronous and synchronous class …
An evaluation of the impact of flipped‐classroom teaching on mathematics proficiency and self‐efficacy in Saudi Arabia
The flipped classroom (FC) is becoming an increasingly popular teaching method in
mathematics education. However, few studies have rigorously evaluated its effectiveness …
mathematics education. However, few studies have rigorously evaluated its effectiveness …
[HTML][HTML] Using cluster analysis to explore the engagement with a flipped classroom of native and non-native English-speaking management students
Flipped classrooms are becoming increasingly popular, particularly when teaching non-
native speaking students. Existing research has largely focused on examining academic …
native speaking students. Existing research has largely focused on examining academic …
Develo** flipped learning resources to support secondary school mathematics teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
Teachers and students have experienced an unusual year in 2020 because of the COVID-
19 pandemic. To minimize the risk of the epidemic spreading, face-to-face lecturing hours …
19 pandemic. To minimize the risk of the epidemic spreading, face-to-face lecturing hours …
Implementation of Islamic Religious Education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah During Covid-19 Pandemic
The research of this article aims to find out and analyze the implementation of Islamic
Religious Education learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah during the COVID-19 pandemic. The …
Religious Education learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah during the COVID-19 pandemic. The …