[HTML][HTML] The adaptive value of numerical competence
A Nieder - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2020 - cell.com
Evolution selects for traits that are of adaptive value and increase the fitness of an individual
or population. Numerical competence, the ability to estimate and process the number of …
or population. Numerical competence, the ability to estimate and process the number of …
Treefrogs as animal models for research on auditory scene analysis and the cocktail party problem
MA Bee - International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2015 - Elsevier
The perceptual analysis of acoustic scenes involves binding together sounds from the same
source and separating them from other sounds in the environment. In large social groups …
source and separating them from other sounds in the environment. In large social groups …
The behavioral ecology of anuran communication
KD Wells, JJ Schwartz - Hearing and sound communication in amphibians, 2007 - Springer
As the last rays of sunlight disappear from the evening sky, a shallow marsh in Panama
begins to come alive with the calls of frogs and toads. Among these is a small yellow and …
begins to come alive with the calls of frogs and toads. Among these is a small yellow and …
Loud calls as indicators of dominance in male baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus)
Adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus) give loud two-syllable'wahoo'calls during dawn
choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive …
choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive …
Pant hoot chorusing and social bonds in male chimpanzees
Vocal interactions, such as call exchanges or chorusing, are common behaviours in many
animal species and their function has often been attributed to social bonding. However, few …
animal species and their function has often been attributed to social bonding. However, few …
Number selective sensorimotor neurons in the crow translate perceived numerosity into number of actions
Translating a perceived number into a matching number of self-generated actions is a
hallmark of numerical reasoning in humans and animals alike. To explore this sensorimotor …
hallmark of numerical reasoning in humans and animals alike. To explore this sensorimotor …
Anuran acoustic signal production in noisy environments
JJ Schwartz, MA Bee - Animal communication and noise, 2013 - Springer
Where they co-occur, male anurans of different species may signal from diverse locations
and use vocalizations that differ spectrally. However, the relevance of such differences to the …
and use vocalizations that differ spectrally. However, the relevance of such differences to the …
Overlap** and matching of codas in vocal interactions between sperm whales: insights into communication function
Many animals engage in dyadic vocal exchanges. Studying the patterns of vocal output and
spatial arrangement of individuals in these interactions can often reveal information …
spatial arrangement of individuals in these interactions can often reveal information …
How auditory neurons count temporal intervals and decode information
The numerical sense of animals includes identifying the numerosity of a sequence of events
that occur with specific intervals, eg, notes in a call or bar of music. Across nervous systems …
that occur with specific intervals, eg, notes in a call or bar of music. Across nervous systems …
Anuran acoustic signal perception in noisy environments
Choruses of acoustically signaling frogs and toads are among the most impressive acoustic
spectacles known from the natural world. They are loud, raucous social environments that …
spectacles known from the natural world. They are loud, raucous social environments that …