A guide to lignin valorization in biorefineries: traditional, recent, and forthcoming approaches to convert raw lignocellulose into valuable materials and chemicals
Lignin is the most abundant source of renewable aromatics on Earth, yet its enormous
potential remains underexploited in current biorefinery and pul** processes. The …
potential remains underexploited in current biorefinery and pul** processes. The …
Advancements and Perspectives toward Lignin Valorization via O‐Demethylation
Lignin represents the largest aromatic carbon resource in plants, holding significant promise
as a renewable feedstock for bioaromatics and other cyclic hydrocarbons in the context of …
as a renewable feedstock for bioaromatics and other cyclic hydrocarbons in the context of …
Guidelines for performing lignin-first biorefining
The valorisation of the plant biopolymer lignin is now recognised as essential to enabling
the economic viability of the lignocellulosic biorefining industry. In this context, the “lignin …
the economic viability of the lignocellulosic biorefining industry. In this context, the “lignin …
Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment of a biorefinery utilizing reductive catalytic fractionation
Reductive catalytic fractionation (RCF) is a promising approach to fractionate lignocellulose
and convert lignin to a narrow product slate. To guide research towards commercialization …
and convert lignin to a narrow product slate. To guide research towards commercialization …
Lignin hydrogenolysis: phenolic monomers from lignin and associated phenolates across plant clades
The chemical complexity of lignin remains a major challenge for lignin valorization into
commodity and fine chemicals. A knowledge of the lignin features that favor its valorization …
commodity and fine chemicals. A knowledge of the lignin features that favor its valorization …
Identification and quantification of lignin monomers and oligomers from reductive catalytic fractionation of pine wood with GC× GC–FID/MS
Thorough lignin characterization is vital to understand the physicochemical properties of
lignin and to evaluate lignocellulose biorefinery processes. In this study, an in-depth …
lignin and to evaluate lignocellulose biorefinery processes. In this study, an in-depth …
Step** away from purified solvents in reductive catalytic fractionation: a step forward towards a disruptive wood biorefinery process
Lignin-first reductive catalytic fractionation (RCF) is an emerging lignocellulose biorefinery
technology that produces a unique lignin-derived bio-oil rich in functionalized phenolics in …
technology that produces a unique lignin-derived bio-oil rich in functionalized phenolics in …
Enabling lignin valorization through integrated advances in plant biology and biorefining
Despite lignin having long been viewed as an impediment to the processing of biomass for
the production of paper, biofuels, and high-value chemicals, the valorization of lignin to …
the production of paper, biofuels, and high-value chemicals, the valorization of lignin to …
Hydrogenolysis of lignin-derived aromatic ethers over heterogeneous catalysts
Global temperature has risen> 1° C since the preindustrial era, resulting in well-documented
adverse climate impacts including extreme weather (floods, droughts, storms, and heat …
adverse climate impacts including extreme weather (floods, droughts, storms, and heat …
Innovations and advances in enzymatic deconstruction of biomass and their sustainability analysis: A review
Increasing population and continuously growing food demand has led to an overwhelming
production of agro waste. Further the improper management of agro waste and stubble …
production of agro waste. Further the improper management of agro waste and stubble …