[HTML][HTML] On indoor localization using wifi, ble, uwb, and imu technologies
Indoor localization is a key research area and has been stated as a major goal for Sixth
Generation (6G) communications. Indoor localization faces many challenges, such as harsh …
Generation (6G) communications. Indoor localization faces many challenges, such as harsh …
Recent Advances in WSN-based Indoor Localization: A Systematic Review of Emerging Technologies, Methods, Challenges and Trends
NS Ahmad - IEEE Access, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Indoor localization (IL) systems are crucial for enhancing operational efficiency, safety, and
user experience by allowing precise tracking of objects, robots, or individuals within various …
user experience by allowing precise tracking of objects, robots, or individuals within various …
Complex-valued neural network based federated learning for multi-user indoor positioning performance optimization
In this article, the use of channel state information (CSI) for indoor positioning is studied. In
the considered model, a server equipped with several antennas sends pilot signals to users …
the considered model, a server equipped with several antennas sends pilot signals to users …
Indoor Location Fingerprinting Privacy: A Comprehensive Survey
A Fathalizadeh, V Moghtadaiee, M Alishahi - ar** a reliable and accurate indoor localization system is a crucial step for creating a
seamless and interactive user-device experience in nearly all intelligent internet of things …
seamless and interactive user-device experience in nearly all intelligent internet of things …
CBWF: A lightweight circular-boundary-based WiFi fingerprinting localization system
As a promising indoor localization technology, WiFi fingerprint-based localization
encounters many issues that need to be addressed urgently, such as high-overhead …
encounters many issues that need to be addressed urgently, such as high-overhead …
Augmentation of fingerprints for indoor BLE localization using conditional GANs
Location estimation in indoor environments using radiofrequency (RF) has garnered
considerable attention in recent years owing to the widespread adoption of mobile devices …
considerable attention in recent years owing to the widespread adoption of mobile devices …
Multi-floor indoor localization scheme using a Seq2Seq-based floor detection and particle filter with clustering
C Lin, Y Shin - IEEE Access, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this study, we present an infrastructure-independent multi-floor indoor localization scheme
that uses a deep learning (DL)-based floor detection method and a particle filter with …
that uses a deep learning (DL)-based floor detection method and a particle filter with …
C2R: A Novel Architecture for Boosting Indoor Positioning With Scarce Data
Improving the performance of artificial neural network (ANN) regression models on small or
scarce data sets, such as wireless network positioning data, can be realized by simplifying …
scarce data sets, such as wireless network positioning data, can be realized by simplifying …