[HTML][HTML] The use of LiDAR-derived DEM in flood applications: A review
Flood occurrence is increasing due to escalated urbanization and extreme climate change;
hence, various studies on this issue and methods of flood monitoring and map** are also …
hence, various studies on this issue and methods of flood monitoring and map** are also …
On the evaluation of climate change impact models
In‐depth understanding of the potential implications of climate change is required to guide
decision‐and policy‐makers when develo** adaptation strategies and designing …
decision‐and policy‐makers when develo** adaptation strategies and designing …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding the effects of Digital Elevation Model resolution in urban fluvial flood modelling
With the extensive use of 2D flood models, the resolution and quality of Digital Elevation
Models (DEMs) have come under greater focus especially in urban hydrology. One of the …
Models (DEMs) have come under greater focus especially in urban hydrology. One of the …
The importance of digital elevation model selection in flood simulation and a proposed method to reduce DEM errors: a case study in Shanghai
Abstract Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) play a critical role in hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling. Flood inundation map** is highly dependent on the accuracy of DEMs. Various …
modeling. Flood inundation map** is highly dependent on the accuracy of DEMs. Various …
Perspectives on digital elevation model (DEM) simulation for flood modeling in the absence of a high-accuracy open access global DEM
Open-access global Digital Elevation Models (DEM) have been crucial in enabling flood
studies in data-sparse areas. Poor resolution (> 30 m), significant vertical errors and the fact …
studies in data-sparse areas. Poor resolution (> 30 m), significant vertical errors and the fact …
Global sensitivity analysis in hydrodynamic modeling and flood inundation map**
Flood simulation with two-dimensional hydrodynamic models is subject to different sources
of uncertainties in model configuration, boundary conditions, and model parametrization …
of uncertainties in model configuration, boundary conditions, and model parametrization …
A comparison of methods for streamflow uncertainty estimation
Streamflow time series are commonly derived from stage‐discharge rating curves, but the
uncertainty of the rating curve and resulting streamflow series are poorly understood. While …
uncertainty of the rating curve and resulting streamflow series are poorly understood. While …
Investigating the role of the key conditioning factors in flood susceptibility map** through machine learning approaches
This study harnessed the formidable predictive capabilities of three state-of-the-art machine
learning models—extreme gradient boosting (XGB), random forest (RF), and CatBoost (CB) …
learning models—extreme gradient boosting (XGB), random forest (RF), and CatBoost (CB) …
How far spatial resolution affects the ensemble machine learning based flood susceptibility prediction in data sparse region
Although the effect of digital elevation model (DEM) and its spatial resolution on flood
simulation modeling has been well studied, the effect of coarse and finer resolution image …
simulation modeling has been well studied, the effect of coarse and finer resolution image …
GeoFlood: Large‐scale flood inundation map** based on high‐resolution terrain analysis
Recent floods from intense storms in the southern United States and the unusually active
2017 Atlantic hurricane season have highlighted the need for real‐time flood inundation …
2017 Atlantic hurricane season have highlighted the need for real‐time flood inundation …