Contingency table analysis

M Kateri - Statistics for Industry and Technology, 2014 - Springer
The focus of this book is on models for contingency table analysis. It deals mainly with log-
linear models and special models for ordinal data (log-linear or nonlinear). Special models …

The assessment of intention-cue detection skills in children: Implications for developmental psychopathology

KA Dodge, RR Murphy, K Buchsbaum - Child development, 1984 - JSTOR
A reliable measure of children's skills in discriminating intention cues in others was
developed for this investigation in order to test the hypothesis that intention-cue detection …

[BOK][B] Kurzgefasste Statistik für die klinische Forschung: Leitfaden für die verteilungsfreie Analyse kleiner Stichproben

J Bortz, GA Lienert - 2008 -
Das Problem: Die kleine Stichprobe In der Forschungspraxis der Psychologie, der Medizin
und der Sozialwissenschaften hat es der Anwender statistischer Verfahren überwiegend mit …

Social competence and children's sociometric status: The role of peer group entry strategies

KA Dodge, DC Schlundt, I Schocken… - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly …, 1983 - JSTOR
The goal of the research was to discover patterns of social competence and success in
children's peer group entry behavior. In Study 1, popular, rejected, and neglected …

All Your Biases Belong to Us: Breaking {RC4} in {WPA-TKIP} and {TLS}

M Vanhoef, F Piessens - 24th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX …, 2015 -
We present new biases in RC4, break the Wi-Fi Protected Access Temporal Key Integrity
Protocol (WPA-TKIP), and design a practical plaintext recovery attack against the Transport …

[BOK][B] Statistical detection and surveillance of geographic clusters

P Rogerson, I Yamada - 2008 -
The widespread popularity of geographic information systems (GIS) has led to new insights
in countless areas of application. It has facilitated not only the collection and storage of …

[BOK][B] Person-centered methods: Configural frequency analysis (CFA) and other methods for the analysis of contingency tables

M Stemmler - 2020 -
This book offers a comprehensible overview of the statistical approach called the person-
centered method. Instead of analyzing means, variances and covariances of scale scores as …

Short-and long-term joint symbolic dynamics of heart rate and blood pressure in dilated cardiomyopathy

M Baumert, V Baier, S Truebner… - IEEE Transactions …, 2005 -
Autonomic cardiovascular control involves complex interactions of heart rate and blood
pressure. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), this control is impaired and …

Robust estimation for grouped data

MP Victoria-Feser, E Ronchetti - Journal of the American Statistical …, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
Here we investigate the robustness properties of the class of minimum power divergence
estimators for grouped data. This class contains the classical maximum likelihood estimators …

Robustness of Minimum Density Power Divergence Estimators and Wald-type test statistics in loglinear models with multinomial sampling

A Calvino, N Martin, L Pardo - Journal of Computational and Applied …, 2021 - Elsevier
In this paper we propose a new family of estimators, Minimum Density Power Divergence
Estimators (MDPDE), as a robust generalization of maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for …