Ammonia as an effective hydrogen carrier and a clean fuel for solid oxide fuel cells
Z Wan, Y Tao, J Shao, Y Zhang, H You - Energy Conversion and …, 2021 - Elsevier
This contribution delivers the perspectives of ammonia for a clean energy future and
examines the potential, achievements, and associated challenges of ammonia for power …
examines the potential, achievements, and associated challenges of ammonia for power …
[HTML][HTML] Review of exergy and energy analysis of fuel cells
FS Nanadegani, B Sunden - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Recently, to reach zero emission levels, some new energy systems based on fuel cells have
been developed. This paper presents a review of investigations of these systems by …
been developed. This paper presents a review of investigations of these systems by …
An overview of biogas production from anaerobic digestion and the possibility of using sugarcane wastewater and municipal solid waste in a South African context
Bioenergy production from waste is one of the emerging and viable routes from renewable
resources (in addition to wind and solar energy). Many develo** countries can benefit …
resources (in addition to wind and solar energy). Many develo** countries can benefit …
Comprehensive exergoeconomic analysis of a municipal solid waste digestion plant equipped with a biogas genset
A comprehensive exergoeconomic performance analysis of a municipal solid waste
digestion plant integrated with a biogas genset was conducted throughout this study in order …
digestion plant integrated with a biogas genset was conducted throughout this study in order …
On the technical challenges affecting the performance of direct internal reforming biogas solid oxide fuel cells
Fuel cells (FCs) are electrochemical devices that can be used for the direct generation of
electrical energy from the chemical energy in fuels with high efficiency, and low or no …
electrical energy from the chemical energy in fuels with high efficiency, and low or no …
A critical review on global trends in biogas scenario with its up-gradation techniques for fuel cell and future perspectives
Renewable biogas production technology is an excellent method for eradication of
greenhouse gas emission and thereby reducing global warming. This review discusses …
greenhouse gas emission and thereby reducing global warming. This review discusses …
Comprehensive exergy analysis of a gas engine-equipped anaerobic digestion plant producing electricity and biofertilizer from organic fraction of municipal solid …
This study was devoted to comprehensively investigating the exergetic performance of a gas-
engine equipped anaerobic digestion plant producing electric power as well as biofertilizer …
engine equipped anaerobic digestion plant producing electric power as well as biofertilizer …
Exergy assessment and optimization of a cogeneration system based on a solid oxide fuel cell integrated with a Stirling engine
A cogeneration system based on a methane-fed solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) integrated with
a Stirling engine is analyzed from the viewpoints of energy and exergy. The effects on the …
a Stirling engine is analyzed from the viewpoints of energy and exergy. The effects on the …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling, validation, and performance of two tandem cylinder piezoelectric energy harvesters in water flow
R Song, C Hou, C Yang, X Yang, Q Guo, X Shan - Micromachines, 2021 -
This paper studies a novel enhanced energy-harvesting method to harvest water flow-
induced vibration with a tandem arrangement of two piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) …
induced vibration with a tandem arrangement of two piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) …
Evaluation of solid oxide fuel cell based polygeneration system in residential areas integrating with electric charging and hydrogen fueling stations for vehicles
This study proposes a design of polygeneration system based on solid oxide fuel cell to
supply electricity, hot water, cooling, and hydrogen. This system also integrates the …
supply electricity, hot water, cooling, and hydrogen. This system also integrates the …