Ab initio modeling of dislocation core properties in metals and semiconductors

D Rodney, L Ventelon, E Clouet, L Pizzagalli… - Acta Materialia, 2017 - Elsevier
Dislocation cores, the regions in the immediate vicinity of dislocation lines, control a number
of properties such as dislocation mobility, cross-slip and short-range interactions with other …

Linear scaling electronic structure methods

S Goedecker - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1999 - APS
Methods exhibiting linear scaling with respect to the size of the system, the so-called O (N)
methods, are an essential tool for the calculation of the electronic structure of large systems …

Dislocation core effects on mobility

W Cai, VV Bulatov, J Chang, J Li, S Yip - Dislocations in solids, 2004 - Elsevier
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the atomic structure and interactions in the
dislocation core and their effects on dislocation mobility from the standpoint of theoretical …

Dislocations in diamond: Core structures and energies

AT Blumenau, MI Heggie, CJ Fall, R Jones… - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
The structures and core energies of dislocations in diamond are calculated using both
isotropic and anisotropic elasticity theory combined with ab initio–based tight-binding total …

Dislocations in diamond: Dissociation into partials and their glide motion

AT Blumenau, R Jones, TH Frauenheim, B Willems… - Physical Review B, 2003 - APS
The dissociation of 60 and screw dislocations in diamond is modeled in an approach
combining isotropic elasticity theory with ab initio–based tight-binding total-energy …

Structure and Energy of the Partial Dislocation in Diamond: A Combined Ab Initio and Elasticity Theory Analysis

X Blase, K Lin, A Canning, SG Louie, DC Chrzan - Physical Review Letters, 2000 - APS
The core structure and stability of the 90 partial dislocation in diamond is studied within
isotropic elasticity theory and ab initio total energy calculations. The double-period …

Dislocation related photoluminescence in silicon

AT Blumenau, R Jones, S Öberg, PR Briddon… - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS
Dislocation related photoluminescence in Si and SiGe is attributed to stable interstitial
clusters bound to 60 dislocations. Density functional based total energy calculations in Si …

Dislocations in diamond: Electron energy-loss spectroscopy

CJ Fall, AT Blumenau, R Jones, PR Briddon… - Physical Review B, 2002 - APS
Electron energy-loss (EEL) spectroscopy performed near dislocation cores is one of the few
experimental techniques that can yield valuable information about the electronic levels …

Theoretical study of kinks on screw dislocation in silicon

L Pizzagalli, A Pedersen, A Arnaldsson, H Jónsson… - Physical Review B …, 2008 - APS
Theoretical calculations of the structure, formation, and migration of kinks on a
nondissociated screw dislocation in silicon have been carried out using density functional …

Relaxation mechanisms in strained nanoislands

IA Ovid'Ko - Physical review letters, 2002 - APS
The new mechanism for relaxation of misfit stresses in nanoislands (quantum dots) is
suggested and theoretically examined which is the formation of partial misfit dislocations …