[PDF][PDF] Motivation enhanced deep and meaningful learning with social virtual reality

S Mystakidis - JYU dissertations, 2019 - researchgate.net
Current online teaching and learning practices in distance education face limitations in
terms of quality and effectiveness. The theories of deep and meaningful learning have the …

The case of literacy motivation: Playful 3D immersive learning environments and problem-focused education for blended digital storytelling

S Mystakidis, E Berki - International Journal of Web-Based Learning …, 2018 - igi-global.com
Abstract The University of Patras' Library Services designed and offered to primary and
secondary schools the pilot educational program “From the Ancient to the Modern Tablets” …

Designing and Implementing a big Open Online Course by using a 3d Virtual Immersive Environment–lessons learned

S Mystakidis, E Berki, J Valtanen - EDULEARN17 Proceedings, 2017 - library.iated.org
Open Education (OE) is a distance learning approach that was strategically chosen by the
European Commission (EC) to encourage cost-effective training, upskilling and reskilling of …

[PDF][PDF] Participative Design of qMOOCs with Deep Learning and 3d Virtual Immersive Environments: The case of MOOCAgora

S Mystakidis, E Berki - Can MOOCs save Europe's unemployed …, 2014 - researchgate.net
The recommendation of the Digital Agenda Assembly 2012 to address the development of
suitable socio-technical skills and expertise through open education and MOOCs in order to …

Features for suitable problems: IT professionals' and IT students' opinions

J Valtanen, E Berki, E Georgiadou… - International Journal of …, 2012 - igi-global.com
One cannot be a problem solver without deep understanding of what constitutes a problem.
Failing to recognise and define problems presents obstacles in constructing and applying …

On the nexus of academic libraries, literacies, and lifelong learning for academic staff

T McPherson-Crowie - 2015 - acuresearchbank.acu.edu.au
This thesis is located in the changing context of higher education and concomitant changes
in the management of higher education institutions (HEIs) and the nature of academic work …

[PDF][PDF] Open and Informal Learning in Problem-Focused Higher Education Through Life-Based Design

J Valtanen, E Berki, J Leikas… - The 8th International …, 2013 - academia.edu
With a global or local knowledge-based economy being the target, the outcomecentred
curricula of formal higher education have recently replaced teaching aims and learning …

Adopting agile methods for graduate employability

B Griffin, M Udall, M Ross… - International Journal of …, 2013 - igi-global.com
The paper evaluates the impacts of using adaptive contemporary workplace methods for the
enhancement of student motivation and learning, along with future employability. The interim …

[PDF][PDF] Challenges of Rapid Migration to Fully Virtual Education in the Age of the Corona Virus Pandemic: Experiences from Across the World

IESFT y Valiente, F Spain - INSPIRE XXV, 2020 - bcs.org
The social disruption caused by the sudden eruption of the Corona Virus pandemic has
shaken the whole world, influencing all levels of education immensely. Notwithstanding …