Gamification in mobile-assisted language learning: A systematic review of Duolingo literature from public release of 2012 to early 2020
More than 300 million people use the gamified mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)
application (app) Duolingo. The challenging tasks, reward incentives, systematic levels, and …
application (app) Duolingo. The challenging tasks, reward incentives, systematic levels, and …
Digital ageism: challenges and opportunities in artificial intelligence for older adults
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing our world through their impact
on sectors including health care, education, employment, finance, and law. AI systems are …
on sectors including health care, education, employment, finance, and law. AI systems are …
Seven HCI grand challenges
This article aims to investigate the Grand Challenges which arise in the current and
emerging landscape of rapid technological evolution towards more intelligent interactive …
emerging landscape of rapid technological evolution towards more intelligent interactive …
The impact of digital technology, social media, and artificial intelligence on cognitive functions: a review
M Shanmugasundaram, A Tamilarasu - Frontiers in Cognition, 2023 -
In our modern society, digital devices, social media platforms, and artificial intelligence (AI)
tools have become integral components of our daily lives, profoundly intertwined with our …
tools have become integral components of our daily lives, profoundly intertwined with our …
Technology acceptance model: a literature review from 1986 to 2013
N Marangunić, A Granić - Universal access in the information society, 2015 - Springer
With the ever-increasing development of technology and its integration into users' private
and professional life, a decision regarding its acceptance or rejection still remains an open …
and professional life, a decision regarding its acceptance or rejection still remains an open …
Rethinking social relationships in old age: Digitalization and the social lives of older adults.
G Hülür, B Macdonald - American Psychologist, 2020 -
Interactions with technology have been sha** human society since its beginning.
Recently, digitalization has pervaded all aspects of our lives and provided us with new ways …
Recently, digitalization has pervaded all aspects of our lives and provided us with new ways …
The digital divide has grown old: Determinants of a digital divide among seniors
TN Friemel - New media & society, 2016 -
The diffusion of the Internet is reaching a level between 80% and 90% in Western societies.
Yet, while the digital divide is closing for young cohorts, it is still an issue when comparing …
Yet, while the digital divide is closing for young cohorts, it is still an issue when comparing …
Designing mobile technology for elderly. A theoretical overview
Aging of the population, an increased life expectancy, and the need for an independent
living are already widely recognized social changes that put a massive pressure on the …
living are already widely recognized social changes that put a massive pressure on the …
“Who over 65 is online?” Older adults' dispositions toward information communication technology
KG Vroman, S Arthanat, C Lysack - Computers in Human Behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
This study is part of a research project that examines patterns of information communication
technology (ICT) use, social participation, and health of older adults (age 65+) residing in …
technology (ICT) use, social participation, and health of older adults (age 65+) residing in …
[HTML][HTML] Potential of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies to promote wellbeing in older adults
Older adults face significant loss and limitations in terms of mobility, cognitive ability, and
socialization. By using augmented reality and virtual reality technologies they have the …
socialization. By using augmented reality and virtual reality technologies they have the …