TURBOMOLE: Today and tomorrow
YJ Franzke, C Holzer, JH Andersen… - Journal of chemical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
TURBOMOLE is a highly optimized software suite for large-scale quantum-chemical and
materials science simulations of molecules, clusters, extended systems, and periodic solids …
materials science simulations of molecules, clusters, extended systems, and periodic solids …
The D alton quantum chemistry program system
Dalton is a powerful general‐purpose program system for the study of molecular electronic
structure at the H artree–F ock, K ohn–S ham, multiconfigurational self‐consistent‐field, M …
structure at the H artree–F ock, K ohn–S ham, multiconfigurational self‐consistent‐field, M …
Simulating X-ray spectroscopies and calculating core-excited states of molecules
During the past decade, the research field of computational X-ray spectroscopy has
witnessed an advancement triggered by the development of advanced synchrotron light …
witnessed an advancement triggered by the development of advanced synchrotron light …
Recent advances in wave function-based methods of molecular-property calculations
T Helgaker, S Coriani, P Jørgensen… - Chemical …, 2012 - ACS Publications
Our understanding of the electronic structure of molecules often comes from spectroscopic
investigations in which electromagnetic radiation is applied to a molecule and the scattering …
investigations in which electromagnetic radiation is applied to a molecule and the scattering …
Spectroscopy in complex environments from QM–MM simulations
The applications of multiscale quantum–classical (QM–MM) approaches have shown an
extraordinary expansion and diversification in the last couple of decades. A great proportion …
extraordinary expansion and diversification in the last couple of decades. A great proportion …
[หนังสือ][B] Principles and practices of molecular properties: Theory, modeling, and simulations
A comprehensive yet accessible exploration of quantum chemical methods for the
determination of molecular properties of spectroscopic relevance Molecular properties can …
determination of molecular properties of spectroscopic relevance Molecular properties can …
Subspace methods for the simulation of molecular response properties on a quantum computer
P Reinholdt, ER Kjellgren, JH Fuglsbjerg… - Journal of Chemical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
We explore Davidson methods for obtaining excitation energies and other linear response
properties within the recently developed quantum self-consistent linear response (q-sc-LR) …
properties within the recently developed quantum self-consistent linear response (q-sc-LR) …
Coupled-cluster response theory for near-edge x-ray-absorption fine structure of atoms and molecules
Based on an asymmetric Lanczos-chain subspace algorithm, damped coupled cluster linear
response functions have been implemented for the hierarchy of coupled cluster (CC) models …
response functions have been implemented for the hierarchy of coupled cluster (CC) models …
[HTML][HTML] Dalton Project: A Python platform for molecular-and electronic-structure simulations of complex systems
JMH Olsen, S Reine, O Vahtras, E Kjellgren… - The Journal of …, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
The Dalton Project provides a uniform platform access to the underlying full-fledged
quantum chemistry codes Dalton and LSDalton as well as the PyFraME package for …
quantum chemistry codes Dalton and LSDalton as well as the PyFraME package for …
Analysis and comparison of CVS-ADC approaches up to third order for the calculation of core-excited states
The extended second order algebraic-diagrammatic construction (ADC (2)-x) scheme for the
polarization operator in combination with core-valence separation (CVS) approximation is …
polarization operator in combination with core-valence separation (CVS) approximation is …