Organic matter enrichment in Asia's palaeolake controlled by the early and middle Eocene global warming and astronomically driven precessional climate
X Wei, Y Deng, D Yan, E Liu, P Jiang, J Zhou… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2023 - Elsevier
The sediments deposited in continental lake systems record sensitive palaeoclimate signals
and provide better perspectives for understanding rapid palaeoclimate changes and their …
and provide better perspectives for understanding rapid palaeoclimate changes and their …
[HTML][HTML] Depositional environment and hydrocarbon potential of Early Permian coals deposit in the Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
J Xu, X Cheng, S Peng, Q **, F Cheng, D Lou… - Ore Geology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Carboniferous-Permian was an important period for the formation of coal mines
and coaly source rocks across the world. Controlled by the paleoclimate, Cathaysia flora …
and coaly source rocks across the world. Controlled by the paleoclimate, Cathaysia flora …
The formation of early Eocene organic-rich mudstone in the western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China: Insight from paleoclimate and hydrothermal activity
C Xu, X Shan, H Lin, G Hao, P Liu, X Wang… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Following the collapse of the Yanshanian orogenic belt, mantle magma uplift, crustal
stretching and thinning, and multiperiod strong magmatic hydrothermal activities occurred …
stretching and thinning, and multiperiod strong magmatic hydrothermal activities occurred …
Early-oil generation potential of Type II-S kerogen in the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian) organic-rich carbonate succession from Ajloun region in northern …
This study examines the geochemical and petrological characteristics of 16 carbonate-rich
(ie, chalky marl, chalky limestone, and limestone) samples of the Upper Cretaceous Shu'ayb …
(ie, chalky marl, chalky limestone, and limestone) samples of the Upper Cretaceous Shu'ayb …
Astronomical forcing of lake-level changes along the low-latitude Asian continental margin and the global sea level responses during the early-middle Eocene
L Zhao, B Liu, Z Wen, Z Hu - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2025 - Elsevier
The early and middle Eocene was an important transition period from greenhouse to
icehouse climate in the Paleogene. Exploring the response relationship between the lake …
icehouse climate in the Paleogene. Exploring the response relationship between the lake …
Geochemistry and organofacies characteristics of organic-rich chalky marl deposits, northern Jordan: Insights into Type II-S source rock
This study deals with organic matter in chalky marls of the Wadi Shallala Formation in
northern Jordan. We report geochemical analyses (Total organic carbon, programmed …
northern Jordan. We report geochemical analyses (Total organic carbon, programmed …
Potential utilization of oil shale as a stabilizing material for compressed Earth block
This research aims to produce a compressed Earth block (CEB) product locally from soil
collected from North Jordan. The CEB mixture was further stabilized using oil shale (OS) and …
collected from North Jordan. The CEB mixture was further stabilized using oil shale (OS) and …
Geochemical and Petrographic Characteristics of Lithofacies from Upper Cretaceous Organic-Rich Source Rocks, Jordan
IS Abu-Mahfouz, M Ardila… - International Petroleum …, 2022 - onepetro.org
Abstract The Upper Cretaceous source rocks of Jordan are organic-rich carbonate mudrocks
that represent excellent source rocks but are essentially still immature to just entering the oil …
that represent excellent source rocks but are essentially still immature to just entering the oil …
Paleoenvironmental Study of the Late Cretaceous–Eocene Tethyan Sea Associated with Phosphorite Deposits in Jordan
Petrological, geochemical, and biostratigraphical investigations have been conducted on
seventy-nine samples from four selected sections in Jordan to understand the factors that …
seventy-nine samples from four selected sections in Jordan to understand the factors that …
Organic Matter Enrichment in Asia's Palaeolake Controlled by the Middle Eocene Global Warming and Astronomically Driven Precessional Climate
Y Deng, D Yan, E Liu, P Jiang, J Zhou, H Huang… - 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
The sediments deposited in continental lake systems record sensitive palaeoclimate signals
and provide better perspectives for understanding rapid palaeoclimate changes and their …
and provide better perspectives for understanding rapid palaeoclimate changes and their …