Time-resolved experiments on gas-phase atoms and molecules with XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers

D Rolles - Advances in Physics: X, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Over the last 20 years, XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers have enabled a wide variety of
time-resolved experiments that have dramatically advanced our understanding of ultrafast …

Trends in angle-resolved molecular photoelectron spectroscopy

D Dowek, P Decleva - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022‏ - pubs.rsc.org
The field of angle-resolved molecular photoelectron spectroscopy is reviewed, with
emphasis on foundations and most recent applications in different regimes of light–matter …

Laser-field-free three-dimensional molecular orientation

D Takei, JH Mun, S Minemoto, H Sakai - Physical Review A, 2016‏ - APS
Laser-field-free three-dimensional orientation, corresponding to the complete control of
spatial directions of asymmetric top molecules, is achieved with combined weak electrostatic …

Multi-resolution electron spectrometer array for future free-electron laser experiments

P Walter, A Kamalov, A Gatton, T Driver… - Synchrotron …, 2021‏ - journals.iucr.org
The design of an angular array of electron time-of-flight (eToF) spectrometers is reported,
intended for non-invasive spectral, temporal, and polarization characterization of single …

Time-resolved x-ray scattering of excited state structure and dynamics

H Yong, A Kirrander, PM Weber - 2023‏ - books.rsc.org
Directly observing atomic motions in molecules during chemical dynamics has long
constituted one of the grand challenges in chemistry. 1 The emergence of X-ray free …

Femtosecond charge and molecular dynamics of I-containing organic molecules induced by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses

K Nagaya, K Motomura, E Kukk, Y Takahashi… - Faraday …, 2016‏ - pubs.rsc.org
We studied the electronic and nuclear dynamics of I-containing organic molecules induced
by intense hard X-ray pulses at the XFEL facility SACLA in Japan. The interaction with the …

Structure determination of molecules in an alignment laser field by femtosecond photoelectron diffraction using an X-ray free-electron laser

S Minemoto, T Teramoto, H Akagi, T Fujikawa… - Scientific Reports, 2016‏ - nature.com
We have successfully determined the internuclear distance of I2 molecules in an alignment
laser field by applying our molecular structure determination methodology to an I 2 p X-ray …

[HTML][HTML] Probing molecular bond-length using molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions

H Fukuzawa, RR Lucchese, XJ Liu, K Sakai… - The Journal of …, 2019‏ - pubs.aip.org
The molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) in O 1s photoemission
from CO 2 molecule were measured. Patterns due to photoelectron diffractions were …

[HTML][HTML] Stronger orientation of state-selected OCS molecules with relative-delay-adjusted nanosecond two-color laser pulses

MM Hossain, X Zhang, S Minemoto… - The Journal of Chemical …, 2022‏ - pubs.aip.org
Using the all-optical molecular orientation technique with intense nonresonant two-color
laser pulses, stronger molecular orientation|⟨ cos θ 2D⟩|∼ 0.34 is achieved by employing …

High-energy molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions: a molecular bond-length ruler

I Vela-Peréz, F Ota, A Mhamdi, Y Tamura… - Physical Chemistry …, 2023‏ - pubs.rsc.org
We present a study on molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) of
small molecules using circularly polarized synchrotron light. We find that the main forward …