Wormhole solutions in f (R, Lm) gravity
In this work, we intend to explore wormhole geometries in the framework of f (R, L m) gravity.
We derive the field equations for the generic f (R, L m) function by assuming the static and …
We derive the field equations for the generic f (R, L m) function by assuming the static and …
Exploring the applicability of traversable wormhole formation in f (R, Lm) gravity
In this work, we construct three different models of static wormhole (WH) geometries within
the realm of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We start by deriving the corresponding field equations …
the realm of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We start by deriving the corresponding field equations …
Baryogenesis in f (R, Lm) gravity
This paper aims to recreate the gravitational baryogenesis epoch in the framework of the f
(R, L m) theory of gravity, where R and L m are the curvature scalar and the matter …
(R, L m) theory of gravity, where R and L m are the curvature scalar and the matter …
Wormhole solutions under the effect of dark matter in f (R, L m) gravity
In the background of f (R, L m) gravity, this work investigates three distinct dark matter halo
profiles to test the possibility of generalised wormhole geometry within the galactic halo …
profiles to test the possibility of generalised wormhole geometry within the galactic halo …
Bouncing cosmological models in f (R, Lm) gravity
Bouncing cosmological models in f(R, Lm) gravity - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science
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Quark stars with 2.6 in a non-minimal geometry-matter coupling theory of gravity
This work analyses the hydrostatic equilibrium configurations of strange stars in a non-
minimal geometry-matter coupling (GMC) theory of gravity. Those stars are made of strange …
minimal geometry-matter coupling (GMC) theory of gravity. Those stars are made of strange …
Metric-affine effects in crystallization processes of white dwarfs
We analyze the effects of modified gravity on specific heats of electrons and ions, Debye
temperature, crystallization process, and cooling mechanism in white dwarfs. We derive the …
temperature, crystallization process, and cooling mechanism in white dwarfs. We derive the …
Constraining the Viscous Dark Energy Equation of State in f (R, Lm) Gravity
In this article, we attempt to describe the cosmic late-time acceleration of the universe in the
framework of f (R, L m) gravity, by using an effective equation of state, when bulk viscosity is …
framework of f (R, L m) gravity, by using an effective equation of state, when bulk viscosity is …
Late time cosmic acceleration through parametrization of Hubble parameter in f (R, Lm) gravity
This paper explores the rapid expansion of the Universe during its later stages within the
context of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We present a novel parametrization of the Hubble …
context of f (R, L m) gravity theory. We present a novel parametrization of the Hubble …
Towards precise constraints in modified gravity: bounds on alternative coupling gravity using white dwarf mass-radius measurements
Tests have to be performed to rule out proposals for gravity modification. We propose a new
idea for constraining alternative theories of gravity using temperature-dependent white dwarf …
idea for constraining alternative theories of gravity using temperature-dependent white dwarf …