Deleterious variation in natural populations and implications for conservation genetics
Deleterious mutations decrease reproductive fitness and are ubiquitous in genomes. Given
that many organisms face ongoing threats of extinction, there is interest in elucidating the …
that many organisms face ongoing threats of extinction, there is interest in elucidating the …
SLiM 4: multispecies eco-evolutionary modeling
The SLiM software framework for genetically explicit forward simulation has been widely
used in population genetics. However, it has been largely restricted to modeling only a …
used in population genetics. However, it has been largely restricted to modeling only a …
[PDF][PDF] Forty years of inferential methods in the Journals of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
We are launching a series to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first issue of Molecular
Biology and Evolution. In 2024, we will publish virtual issues containing selected papers …
Biology and Evolution. In 2024, we will publish virtual issues containing selected papers …
Detectability of runs of homozygosity is influenced by analysis parameters and population-specific demographic history
Wild populations are increasingly threatened by human-mediated climate change and land
use changes. As populations decline, the probability of inbreeding increases, along with the …
use changes. As populations decline, the probability of inbreeding increases, along with the …
The evolution of transposable elements in Brachypodium distachyon is governed by purifying selection, while neutral and adaptive processes play a minor role
Understanding how plants adapt to changing environments and the potential contribution of
transposable elements (TEs) to this process is a key question in evolutionary genomics …
transposable elements (TEs) to this process is a key question in evolutionary genomics …
Plant breeding simulations with AlphaSimR
Plant breeding plays a crucial role in the development of high‐performing crop varieties that
meet the demands of society. Emerging breeding techniques offer the potential to improve …
meet the demands of society. Emerging breeding techniques offer the potential to improve …
Simulation of bacterial populations with SLiM
Simulation of genomic data is a key tool in population genetics, yet, to date, there is no
forward-in-time simulator of bacterial populations that is both computationally ecient and …
forward-in-time simulator of bacterial populations that is both computationally ecient and …
Repeated out-of-Africa expansions of Helicobacter pylori driven by replacement of deleterious mutations
Helicobacter pylori lives in the human stomach and has a population structure resembling
that of its host. However, H. pylori from Europe and the Middle East trace substantially more …
that of its host. However, H. pylori from Europe and the Middle East trace substantially more …
The Impact of Patterns in Linkage Disequilibrium and Sequencing Quality on the Imprint of Balancing Selection
Regions under balancing selection are characterized by dense polymorphisms and multiple
persistent haplotypes, along with other sequence complexities. Successful identification of …
persistent haplotypes, along with other sequence complexities. Successful identification of …
Genome-wide imputation using the practical haplotype graph in the heterozygous crop cassava
Genomic applications such as genomic selection and genome-wide association have
become increasingly common since the advent of genome sequencing. The cost of …
become increasingly common since the advent of genome sequencing. The cost of …