[Књига][B] Applied welfare economics: Cost-benefit analysis of projects and policies

M Florio - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
What is the effect of a new infrastructure on the well-being of a local community? Is a tax
reform desirable? Does the privatization of a telecommunication provider increase social …

A review of the firm-level role of transport infrastructure with implications for transport project evaluation

A Holl - Journal of planning literature, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
The measurement of the economic impacts of transportation investment is a critical input into
the policy process. While most research has focused on aggregate effects, this article …

Does benefit–cost efficiency influence transport investment decisions?

J Eliasson, M Börjesson, J Odeck… - Journal of Transport …, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
We explore how benefit–cost efficiency and electoral support affect road investment
decisions in Sweden and Norway. In Norway, neither benefits nor costs seem to affect …

Toll financing in Norway: The success, the failures and perspectives for the future

J Odeck, S Bråthen - Transport policy, 2002 - Elsevier
Public funds for road investments have been subjected to constraints in many countries over
the past three decades. Many governments have therefore resorted to financing road …

Ranking the substantive problems in the Dutch Cost–Benefit Analysis practice

N Mouter, JA Annema, B van Wee - … Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the perceptions of key participants in the Dutch Cost–Benefit
Analysis (CBA) practice regarding substantive problems when appraising spatial …

Expected transport accessibility improvement and house prices: Evidence from the construction of an undersea road tunnel system

Š Mikula, P Molnár - Journal of transport geography, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper studies the impact of expected transport accessibility improvement on house
prices. We identify the effect exploiting a quasi-natural experiment created by the approval …

Valuing the quality of strategic ferry services to remote communities

JJ Laird - Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2012 - Elsevier
Ferry service quality is important to the economic and social prosperity of remote island and
coastal communities. This paper shows how users value the quality attributes of ferry routes …

Do fixed links affect settlement patterns: a synthetic control approach

E Tveter, M Welde, J Odeck - Research in Transportation Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper evaluates the extent to which transportation projects affect settlement patterns.
We consider fixed link projects because they provide a large and swift change in …

The impact of fixed links on population development, housing and the labour market: The case of Norway

SN Andersen, MD Gutierrez, ØL Nilsen… - Journal of Transport …, 2018 - Elsevier
This study compares 11 fixed link projects in Norway, linking islands to the mainland. The
fixed links substantially increase the accessibility between the islands and the mainland …

[PDF][PDF] Potensial for regionforstørring

Ø Engebretsen, A Gjerdåker - TØI rapport, 2012 - sfj.no
Prosjektleder for oppdraget har vært Petter Dybedal. Anne Gjerdåker har skrevet kapitlene
1, 6 og hoveddelen av kapittel 7. Øystein Engebretsen har skrevet de øvrige delene og har …