[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in the implementation of ultrasound technology for the extraction of essential oils from terrestrial plant materials: A comprehensive review
S Khalid, K Chaudhary, S Amin, S Raana… - Ultrasonics …, 2024 - Elsevier
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) is an innovative process for recovering valuable
substances and compounds from plants and various biomaterials. This technology holds …
substances and compounds from plants and various biomaterials. This technology holds …
[HTML][HTML] Environmentally friendly techniques and their comparison in the extraction of natural antioxidants from green tea, rosemary, clove, and oregano
Many current food and health trends demand the use of more ecological, sustainable, and
environmentally friendly techniques for the extraction of bioactive compounds, including …
environmentally friendly techniques for the extraction of bioactive compounds, including …
Comparison of the corrosion inhibition property on cold rolled steel in sulfuric acid media between reflux and ultrasound extracts from rapeseed meal
L Qiu, X Li, D Xu, D Shao, G Du, S Deng - Industrial Crops and Products, 2024 - Elsevier
Plant-based inhibitors have been receiving more and more attentions due to their
affordability, widespread availability, and non-toxic nature. Herein, the rapeseed meal …
affordability, widespread availability, and non-toxic nature. Herein, the rapeseed meal …
[KNIHA][B] Advances in food and nutrition research
F Toldrá - 2019 - books.google.com
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 87 provides updated information on
nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should …
nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should …
Sage, rosemary, and bay laurel hydrodistillation by-products as a source of bioactive compounds
Essential oils from Mediterranean wild plants are widely used, but the hydrodistillation
residues produced in parallel with these essential oils are significantly understudied and …
residues produced in parallel with these essential oils are significantly understudied and …
Rosmarinus officinalis Linn.: unveiling its multifaceted nature in nutrition, diverse applications, and advanced extraction methods
H Meziane, L Zraibi, R Albusayr, A Bitari… - Journal of Umm Al-Qura …, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. or Salvia rosmarinus Spenn.) is an aromatic
herb renowned for its culinary, medicinal, and industrial significance. This review offers a …
herb renowned for its culinary, medicinal, and industrial significance. This review offers a …
[HTML][HTML] Ultrasound-Assisted Hydrodistillation of Essential Oil from Celery Seeds (Apium graveolens L.) and Its Biological and Aroma Profiles
J Zorga, A Kunicka-Styczyńska, R Gruska, K Śmigielski - Molecules, 2020 - mdpi.com
The aim of the research was to increase the efficiency of the hydrodistillation process and
determine the volatile composition, biological activity, and aroma profile of essential oil from …
determine the volatile composition, biological activity, and aroma profile of essential oil from …
Hydrodistillation fractions of coffee (green and roasted) and coffee by-product (silver skin and spent grounds) as a source of bioactive compounds
Coffee silver skin (CSS) and spent coffee grounds (SCG) produced during green coffee
roasting (GC) and roasted coffee brewing (RC) are usually disposed of into the environment …
roasting (GC) and roasted coffee brewing (RC) are usually disposed of into the environment …
Recent progress in the extraction of terpenoids from essential oils and separation of the enantiomers by GC-MS
Y Wang, J Huang, X Lin, W Su, P Zhu, N Yang… - … of Chromatography A, 2024 - Elsevier
Terpenoids possess significant physiological activities and are rich in essential oils. Some
terpenoids have chiral centers and could form enantiomers with distinct physiological …
terpenoids have chiral centers and could form enantiomers with distinct physiological …
Terpenes are the largest and most diverse group of naturally occurring compounds found in
plants. They can be classified according to the number of isoprene units, the most common …
plants. They can be classified according to the number of isoprene units, the most common …