Millennial-scale Agulhas Current variability and its implications for salt-leakage through the Indian–Atlantic Ocean Gateway
The inter-ocean exchange of warm and salt-enriched waters around South Africa (Agulhas
leakage), may have played an important role in the mechanism of deglaciations …
leakage), may have played an important role in the mechanism of deglaciations …
Stable isotopes: Tools for understanding past climatic conditions and their applications in chemostratigraphy
The present climatic deterioration including the much debated anthropogenic acceleration to
the global warming phenomenon has drawn the attention of scientific community, policy …
the global warming phenomenon has drawn the attention of scientific community, policy …
Isotopic characterization of water masses in the Southeast Pacific region: Paleoceanographic implications
In this study, we used stable isotopes of oxygen (δ18O), deuterium (δD), and dissolved
inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) in combination with temperature, salinity, oxygen, and nutrient …
inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) in combination with temperature, salinity, oxygen, and nutrient …
Vertical variation of oxygen isotope in Bay of Bengal and its relationships with water masses
We present here, for the first time, comprehensive depth specific (near surface to 1800 m)
oxygen isotope (δ18O) data set of 175 water samples collected from 22 different locations in …
oxygen isotope (δ18O) data set of 175 water samples collected from 22 different locations in …
Stable isotopes in water vapor and rainwater over Indian sector of Southern Ocean and estimation of fraction of recycled moisture
Abstract Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen isotopic composition of water vapor, rainwater and
surface seawater show a distinct trend across the latitude over the Southern Indian Ocean …
surface seawater show a distinct trend across the latitude over the Southern Indian Ocean …
Impact of water mass mixing and dust deposition on Nd concentration and εNd of the Arabian Sea water column
The concentration and isotopic composition (ε Nd) of dissolved Nd have been measured in
the sub-oxic/denitrifying water column of the eastern Arabian Sea to explore the impact of …
the sub-oxic/denitrifying water column of the eastern Arabian Sea to explore the impact of …
Controls on planktonic foraminifera apparent calcification depths for the northern equatorial Indian Ocean
Within the world's oceans, regionally distinct ecological niches develop due to differences in
water temperature, nutrients, food availability, predation and light intensity. This results in …
water temperature, nutrients, food availability, predation and light intensity. This results in …
Paleoecologic and paleoceanographic interpretation of δ18O variability in Lower Ordovician conodont species
Conodont δ18O is increasingly used to reconstruct Paleozoic–Triassic seawater
temperature changes. Less attention has been paid to δ18O variation in time slices across …
temperature changes. Less attention has been paid to δ18O variation in time slices across …
Controls on δ18O, δD and δ18O-salinity relationship in the northern Indian Ocean
Oxygen isotopic composition (δ 18 O) and salinity (S) of the surface ocean are useful tracers
for studying imprints of physical processes (such as runoff, sea ice melting, brine release …
for studying imprints of physical processes (such as runoff, sea ice melting, brine release …
[HTML][HTML] Large freshwater-influx-induced salinity gradient and diagenetic changes in the northern Indian Ocean dominate the stable oxygen isotopic variation in …
The application of stable oxygen isotopic ratio of surface-dwelling planktic foraminifera
Globigerinoides ruber (white variety; δ 18 O ruber) to reconstruct past hydrological changes …
Globigerinoides ruber (white variety; δ 18 O ruber) to reconstruct past hydrological changes …