Transient response characteristics of a bolted flange connection structure with shear pin/cone
X Lu, Y Zeng, Y Chen, X **e, Z Guan - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017 - Elsevier
Transient response characteristics of a bolted flange connection structure with shear
pin/cone under different types of load are studied by a simplified dynamical model with …
pin/cone under different types of load are studied by a simplified dynamical model with …
Cracking failure analysis of potash fertilizer drying drums: Calculations, modeling, experiment
V Frantskevich, D Kuis, D Borovskiy, V Kazlouski… - Engineering Failure …, 2024 - Elsevier
Drying drums are widely used for drying materials in many industries. At the same time, the
temperature of the drying gases can exceed 1000° C, and the materials being dried or the …
temperature of the drying gases can exceed 1000° C, and the materials being dried or the …
[PDF][PDF] Some research results on the tightness and strength of flange joints
G Urse, I Durbaca, IC Panait - Journal of Enneering Sciences and …, 2018 - jesi.astr.ro
The paper presents recently published literature research on the tightness and strength of
flange joints. These could influence both the calculation and the maintenance of flange …
flange joints. These could influence both the calculation and the maintenance of flange …
Fracture failure analysis and research on special taper thread of cardan shaft Shell of PDM
The secondary crack is located near the main crack as per the macro examination and micro
analysis on the fracture of a PDM (Positive Displacement Motor) shell with special taper …
analysis on the fracture of a PDM (Positive Displacement Motor) shell with special taper …
Probabilistic modelling of dynamic response of underwater vehicle structure via maximum entropy method
Z Chunxiao, W Ruiqiong, N Zhaokun… - Chinese Journal of …, 2018 - lxxb.cstam.org.cn
Hydrodynamic loads of underwater vehicle structure have a high degree of randomness in
time and space, which leads to random responses of structure such as maximum internal …
time and space, which leads to random responses of structure such as maximum internal …
周春晓, 汪锐琼, 聂肇坤, **刚, 曾岩 - 力学学报, 2018 - lxxb.cstam.org.cn
水下航行体结构承受的水动力外载荷具有显著的时空分布不确定性, 其引发的结构动力响应,
诸如结构最大内力, 最大内力发生时刻, 最大内力发生位置等也由此产生了不确定性; 同时 …
诸如结构最大内力, 最大内力发生时刻, 最大内力发生位置等也由此产生了不确定性; 同时 …
Life prediction and optimal design of flange structure of tire unloader
J Ling, W Wang, L Cheng, Q Wang, H Zhang - Journal of Mechanical …, 2023 - Springer
In the production process of the giant tire, the tire unloader needs to clamp and flip the tire,
and the tire has a large inertia force, easy to cause vibration and lead to the failure of …
and the tire has a large inertia force, easy to cause vibration and lead to the failure of …
[HTML][HTML] Fatigue life assessment of the shell structure of purified terephthalic acid filter press
M Song, W Zhang, W Jiang, J Wang, X Zhao, X Zhai - Materials, 2020 - mdpi.com
The filter press is one of the most important devices in purified terephthalic acid (PTA)
refinement, and it is of great significance to ensure the fatigue strength of the structure in …
refinement, and it is of great significance to ensure the fatigue strength of the structure in …
Failure analysis and redesign of a poly-condensation autoclave with jacket
Q Shi, W Su, Y Sun - Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019 - Elsevier
Serious leakage occurred in a jacketed poly-condensation autoclave which is subjected with
temperature and pressure cycles. By using finite element method, the simulation and …
temperature and pressure cycles. By using finite element method, the simulation and …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of bolts bending on the strength of flanges joints of pressure vessels
G ROMAN, DA APOSTOL - Technical Sciences, 2021 - jesi.astr.ro
This paper highlighted the shortcomings of the current international normative on the
calculation of flanges joints with gasket situated inside the circle of bolts holes. The current …
calculation of flanges joints with gasket situated inside the circle of bolts holes. The current …