Quantum control of radical-pair dynamics beyond time-local optimization
We realize arbitrary-wave-form-based control of spin-selective recombination reactions of
radical pairs in the low-magnetic-field regime. To this end, we extend the gradient-ascent …
radical pairs in the low-magnetic-field regime. To this end, we extend the gradient-ascent …
RadicalPy: a tool for spin dynamics simulations
Radical pairs (electron–hole pairs, polaron pairs) are transient reaction intermediates that
are found and exploited in all areas of science, from the hard realm of physics in the form of …
are found and exploited in all areas of science, from the hard realm of physics in the form of …
Driven radical motion enhances cryptochrome magnetoreception: toward live quantum sensing
The mechanism underlying magnetoreception has long eluded explanation. A popular
hypothesis attributes this sense to the quantum coherent spin dynamics and spin-selective …
hypothesis attributes this sense to the quantum coherent spin dynamics and spin-selective …
Spin Dynamics of Radical Pairs Using the Stochastic Schrödinger Equation in MolSpin
The chemical reactivity of radical pairs is strongly influenced by the interactions of electronic
and nuclear spins. A detailed understanding of these effects requires a quantum description …
and nuclear spins. A detailed understanding of these effects requires a quantum description …
Orientation of birds in radiofrequency fields in the absence of the Earth's magnetic field: a possible test for the radical pair mechanism of magnetoreception
The magnetic compass sense of migratory songbirds is thought to derive from magnetically
sensitive photochemical reactions in cryptochromes located in photoreceptor cells in the …
sensitive photochemical reactions in cryptochromes located in photoreceptor cells in the …
Spin selective charge recombination in chiral donor–bridge–acceptor triads
In this paper, we outline a physically motivated framework for describing spin-selective
recombination processes in chiral systems, from which we derive spin-selective reaction …
recombination processes in chiral systems, from which we derive spin-selective reaction …
The effect of spin relaxation on magnetic compass sensitivity in ercry4a
This study explores the impact of thermal motion on the magnetic compass mechanism in
migratory birds, focusing on the radical pair mechanism within cryptochrome photoreceptors …
migratory birds, focusing on the radical pair mechanism within cryptochrome photoreceptors …
Sensitivity enhancement of radical-pair magnetoreceptors as a result of spin decoherence
J Luo - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Electron spin relaxation is, on many occasions, considered an elephant in the room that
challenges the idea of a radical-pair compass, a leading hypothesis for the navigation of …
challenges the idea of a radical-pair compass, a leading hypothesis for the navigation of …
Spin relaxation dynamics with a continuous spin environment: The dissipaton equation of motion approach
We investigate the quantum dynamics of a spin coupling to a bath of independent spins via
the dissipaton equation of motion (DEOM) approach. The bath, characterized by a …
the dissipaton equation of motion (DEOM) approach. The bath, characterized by a …
Bang-bang optimal control in coherent spin dynamics of radical pairs in quantum biology
Optimal control of the external electromagnetic field input for the maximization of the
quantum triplet-singlet yield of the radical pairs in biochemical reactions modeled by …
quantum triplet-singlet yield of the radical pairs in biochemical reactions modeled by …