[HTML][HTML] Technological challenges in nanoparticle-modified geopolymer concrete: A comprehensive review on nanomaterial dispersion, characterization techniques …
The use of geopolymer-based concrete has many advantages over conventional cement
concrete. Geopolymer, which derives its basic ingredients from industrial waste, has …
concrete. Geopolymer, which derives its basic ingredients from industrial waste, has …
The role of graphene and its derivatives in modifying different phases of geopolymer composites: A review
There is broad agreement among researchers that the next facing of the construction
material industry is 'geopolymer composites', also called 'green composites. Although …
material industry is 'geopolymer composites', also called 'green composites. Although …
Understanding geopolymer binder-aggregate interfacial characteristics at molecular level
The interfacial characteristics of geopolymer binder to aggregate composites are poorly
understood, especially at molecular level. Herein, molecular models are developed to study …
understood, especially at molecular level. Herein, molecular models are developed to study …
[HTML][HTML] Waterproof geopolymer composites modified by hydrophobic particles and polydimethylsiloxane
Geopolymer is a green porous aluminosilicate material that can be tailored with fillers and
additives to achieve various functions. In this work, waterproof geopolymer composites …
additives to achieve various functions. In this work, waterproof geopolymer composites …
Development of red mud-modified geopolymer coating with radiative cooling effect for footway application
Radiative cooling coating technology is gaining increasing attention in the context of
mitigating urban heat island and tackling global climate change. This paper is concerned …
mitigating urban heat island and tackling global climate change. This paper is concerned …
Aluminum-induced structure evolution and mechanical strengthening of calcium silicate hydrates: an atomistic insight
How Al 3+ dissolved from supplementary cementitious materials influences the performance
of cement paste is far from being fully understood, especially from an atomistic insight …
of cement paste is far from being fully understood, especially from an atomistic insight …
Matrix wettability and mechanical properties of geopolymer cement-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) hybrids
Geopolymers have attracted attention as green building materials with low carbon dioxide
emissions and excellent mechanical properties. Due to their hydrophilicity and porous …
emissions and excellent mechanical properties. Due to their hydrophilicity and porous …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable fly ash based geopolymer binders: a review on compressive strength and microstructure properties
As a result of global warming, the pursuance of low-carbon, sustainable building materials
has been prioritized. The development of geopolymer/cement-less binders can be …
has been prioritized. The development of geopolymer/cement-less binders can be …
Geopolymer-based radiative cooling coating: Tailoring surface hydrophobic properties while retaining optical characteristics
The longevity of geopolymer-based radiative cooling coatings is questionable due to their
hydrophilic nature. This study used four hydrophobic agents-sodium methyl silicate (SMS) …
hydrophilic nature. This study used four hydrophobic agents-sodium methyl silicate (SMS) …
Atomic-level investigation into the transport of NaCl solution in porous cement paste: The effects of pore size and temperature
The durability of concrete is determined by the ion transport within porous calcium silicate
hydrate (C–S–H) gels. This study utilized molecular dynamics simulation to examine the …
hydrate (C–S–H) gels. This study utilized molecular dynamics simulation to examine the …