Emerging technologies and the use case: A multi‐year study of drone adoption
Abstract Although disruptive “Industry 4.0” technologies often lack a clear business case,
vendors are advocating and companies are actively exploring their use in operations …
vendors are advocating and companies are actively exploring their use in operations …
ERP system implementation in large enterprises–a systematic literature review
M Ali, L Miller - Journal of enterprise information management, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose Enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation brings with it a set of
challenges. In order to gain a better understanding of these and they can be mitigated …
challenges. In order to gain a better understanding of these and they can be mitigated …
Blockchain-based data management for digital twin of product
The concept of digital twin was originally proposed to assist product lifecycle management
through the high-fidelity virtual product. In product lifecycle, there are many participators …
through the high-fidelity virtual product. In product lifecycle, there are many participators …
A review of ERP research: A future agenda for accounting information systems
ERP systems are typically the largest, most complex, and most demanding information
systems implemented by firms, representing a major departure from the individual and …
systems implemented by firms, representing a major departure from the individual and …
A review of the recent contribution of systems thinking to operational research and management science
The systems approach, or systems thinking, has been intimately connected with the
development of OR and management science initially through the work of founders such as …
development of OR and management science initially through the work of founders such as …
What happens after ERP implementation: understanding the impact of interdependence and differentiation on plant-level outcomes
We present a model of the organizational impacts of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
systems once the system has gone live and the" shake-out" phase has occurred …
systems once the system has gone live and the" shake-out" phase has occurred …
Digital manufacturing: history, perspectives, and outlook
G Chryssolouris, D Mavrikios… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Digital manufacturing has been considered, over the last decade, as a highly promising set
of technologies for reducing product development times and cost as well as for addressing …
of technologies for reducing product development times and cost as well as for addressing …
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a review of the literature
YB Moon - International journal of management and …, 2007 - inderscienceonline.com
This article is a review of work published in various journals on the topics of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) between January 2000 and May 2006. A total of 313 articles from …
Resource Planning (ERP) between January 2000 and May 2006. A total of 313 articles from …
Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: Exploratory findings from four case studies
As more and more organizations move from functional to process-based IT infrastructure,
ERP systems are becoming one of today's most widespread IT solutions. However, not all …
ERP systems are becoming one of today's most widespread IT solutions. However, not all …
A survey on the recent research literature on ERP systems
The research literature on ERP systems has exponentially grown in recent years. In a
domain, where new concepts and techniques are constantly introduced, it is therefore, of …
domain, where new concepts and techniques are constantly introduced, it is therefore, of …