From solution to thin film: molecular assembly of π-conjugated systems and impact on (opto) electronic properties
The assembly of conjugated organic molecules from solution to solid-state plays a critical
role in determining the thin film morphology and optoelectronic properties of solution …
role in determining the thin film morphology and optoelectronic properties of solution …
Controlling morphology and microstructure of conjugated polymers via solution-state aggregation
The macroscopic functions and properties of conjugated polymers depend on their
microcosmic morphology and microstructure in the solid state. However, such morphology …
microcosmic morphology and microstructure in the solid state. However, such morphology …
Nonfullerene acceptor molecules for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells
The bulk-heterojunction blend of an electron donor and an electron acceptor material is the
key component in a solution-processed organic photovoltaic device. In the past decades, a p …
key component in a solution-processed organic photovoltaic device. In the past decades, a p …
A general relationship between disorder, aggregation and charge transport in conjugated polymers
Conjugated polymer chains have many degrees of conformational freedom and interact
weakly with each other, resulting in complex microstructures in the solid state …
weakly with each other, resulting in complex microstructures in the solid state …
H-and J-aggregate behavior in polymeric semiconductors
Aggregates of conjugated polymers exhibit two classes of fundamental electronic
interactions: those occurring within a given chain and those occurring between chains. The …
interactions: those occurring within a given chain and those occurring between chains. The …
Operando characterization of organic mixed ionic/electronic conducting materials
Operando characterization plays an important role in revealing the structure–property
relationships of organic mixed ionic/electronic conductors (OMIECs), enabling the direct …
relationships of organic mixed ionic/electronic conductors (OMIECs), enabling the direct …
Light-harvesting and amplified energy transfer in conjugated polymer nanoparticles
Conjugated polymer nanoparticles are a class of nanoparticles with many useful and
interesting properties, including very high fluorescence brightness, excellent photostability …
interesting properties, including very high fluorescence brightness, excellent photostability …
Aggregation in a high-mobility n-type low-bandgap copolymer with implications on semicrystalline morphology
We explore the photophysics of P (NDI2OD-T2), a high-mobility and air-stable n-type
donor/acceptor polymer. Detailed steady-state UV–vis and photoluminescence (PL) …
donor/acceptor polymer. Detailed steady-state UV–vis and photoluminescence (PL) …
Mixed ionic–electronic conduction, a multifunctional property in organic conductors
Organic mixed ionic–electronic conductors (OMIECs) have gained recent interest and rapid
development due to their versatility in diverse applications ranging from sensing, actuation …
development due to their versatility in diverse applications ranging from sensing, actuation …
Temperature induced order–disorder transition in solutions of conjugated polymers probed by optical spectroscopy
The aggregation of π-conjugated materials significantly impacts the photophysics and
performance of optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, little is known about the laws …
performance of optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, little is known about the laws …