How morphology impacts reading and spelling: Advancing the role of morphology in models of literacy development
A defining feature of language lies in its capacity to represent meaning across oral and
written forms. Morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language, are the fundamental …
written forms. Morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language, are the fundamental …
How does the interaction between spelling and motor processes build up during writing acquisition?
S Kandel, C Perret - Cognition, 2015 - Elsevier
How do we recall a word's spelling? How do we produce the movements to form the letters
of a word? Writing involves several processing levels. Surprisingly, researchers have …
of a word? Writing involves several processing levels. Surprisingly, researchers have …
The impact of developmental dyslexia and dysgraphia on movement production during word writing
S Kandel, D Lassus-Sangosse… - Developmental …, 2019 -
This study investigated how deficits in orthographic processing affect movement production
during word writing. Children with dyslexia and dysgraphia wrote words and pseudo-words …
during word writing. Children with dyslexia and dysgraphia wrote words and pseudo-words …
Impact of morphology on written word production: An overview of empirical evidence and theoretical implications
In this chapter, we examine the role of morphology in written word production, that is, in both
handwriting and ty**. Some theories suggest that the influence of morphology is limited to …
handwriting and ty**. Some theories suggest that the influence of morphology is limited to …
[PDF][PDF] Experimental and psycholinguistic approaches to studying derivation
RH Baayen - 2014 -
This chapter provides a critical overview of experimental and computational research on the
processing and representation of derived words. It begins with an introductory section …
processing and representation of derived words. It begins with an introductory section …
The impact of word frequency on peripheral processes during handwriting: A matter of age
Although several studies have found that the sublexical route of spelling has an effect on
handwriting movements, the ability of lexical variables to modulate peripheral processes …
handwriting movements, the ability of lexical variables to modulate peripheral processes …
Cascaded processing in written compound word production
In this study we investigated the intricate interplay between central linguistic processing and
peripheral motor processes during typewriting. Participants had to typewrite two-constituent …
peripheral motor processes during typewriting. Participants had to typewrite two-constituent …
Written production: The APOMI model of word writing: Anticipatory processing of orthographic and motor information
S Kandel - Language production, 2023 -
This chapter presents the APOMI model of word writing (Anticipatory Processing of
Orthographic and Motor Information). It integrates the traditional views of word writing into a …
Orthographic and Motor Information). It integrates the traditional views of word writing into a …
Morpheme-based reading and writing in Spanish children with dyslexia
It has been well documented that morphemic structure (roots and affixes) have an impact in
reading, but effects seem to depend on the reading experience of readers and lexical …
reading, but effects seem to depend on the reading experience of readers and lexical …
Morphological processing before and during children's spelling
Our understanding of spelling development has largely been gleaned from analysis of
children's accuracy at spelling words under varying conditions and the nature of their errors …
children's accuracy at spelling words under varying conditions and the nature of their errors …