Flame stabilization mechanism in reacting jets in swirling vitiated crossflow

PP Panda, O Busari, M Roa, RP Lucht - Combustion and Flame, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Flame stabilization in reacting jet in crossflow (RJICF) is often affected by interaction
between different mechanisms, involving auto-ignition, partially-premixed flame behavior …

Preheating and premixing effects on NOx emissions in a high-pressure axially staged combustor

T Genova, M Otero, A Morales, B Stiehl, S Martin… - Combustion and …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
NO x emissions remain a primary concern for modern and future gas turbines, particularly as
we progress towards a net-zero carbon future. It is critical to identify novel strategies to …

NOX reduction in an axially staged gas turbine model combustor through increase in the combustor exit Mach number

NS Rodrigues, O Busari, WCB Senior… - Combustion and …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Advanced combustion technologies to limit NO X production are needed to meet rigorous
emissions standards, which are required due to the harmful effect of NO X on the …

Laser diagnostic investigation of a confined premixed turbulent jet flame stabilized by recirculation

M Severin, O Lammel, W Meier - Combustion and Flame, 2022‏ - Elsevier
A preheated premixed CH 4/air jet flame was operated in an optically accessible rectangular
combustion chamber in order to study the flame stabilization and flame expansion …

Transverse injection of rich, premixed, natural gas-air and natural gas-hydrogen-air reacting jets into high-speed vitiated crossflow at engine-relevant conditions

NS Rodrigues, CT McDonald, OO Busari… - International Journal of …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The transverse injection of rich, premixed natural gas and air (NG-air) and natural gas,
hydrogen, and air (NG-H 2-air) reacting jets into a high-speed vitiated crossflow was …

Estimation of perspective errors in 2D2C-PIV measurements for 3D concentrated vortices

BF Ma, HG Jiang - Experiments in Fluids, 2018‏ - Springer
Two-dimensional planar PIV (2D2C) is still extensively employed in flow measurement
owing to its availability and reliability, although more advanced PIVs have been developed …

Morphology and dynamics of a premixed hydrogen-methane-air jet flame in hot vitiated turbulent crossflow

R Solana-Pérez, L Miniero… - … Expo: Power for …, 2020‏ - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The effect of hydrogen enrichment of a premixed hydrogen-methane-air jet in hot vitiated
crossflow was studied at atmospheric condition. The hot turbulent vitiated crossflow is …

An optically accessible secondary combustion zone for the transverse injection of reacting jets into a high-speed, vitiated crossflow within a staged, gas turbine model …

NS Rodrigues, CT McDonald, OO Busari… - Measurement …, 2020‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Advanced gas turbine combustion strategies, such as axially staging the fuel, are of great
interest due to their potential to increase cycle efficiency while maintaining low levels of …

Internal Flow Simulation and Experimental Study of Non-moving Component Jet Oscillation Tool

J Tian, L Mao, C Liu, H Song, J Song - Arabian Journal for Science and …, 2023‏ - Springer
Aiming at the problems of high drilling friction and serious backing pressure on the drill
string under the difficult oil and gas drilling conditions, which leads to low rate of penetration …

Experimental study of the coupled dynamics of forces and pressure and velocity fields in complex and turbulent flows

N Turankök - 2022‏ - theses.hal.science
Nuclear energy production is one way to decrease the use of carbon fossils for the energy
production. Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) are most common type of reactor in …