Near optimal online algorithms and fast approximation algorithms for resource allocation problems

NR Devanur, K Jain, B Sivan, CA Wilkens - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2019‏ -
We present prior robust algorithms for a large class of resource allocation problems where
requests arrive one-by-one (online), drawn independently from an unknown distribution at …

How the experts algorithm can help solve lps online

A Gupta, M Molinaro - Mathematics of Operations Research, 2016‏ -
We consider the problem of solving packing/covering LPs online, when the columns of the
constraint matrix are presented in random order. This problem has received much attention …

Designing smoothing functions for improved worst-case competitive ratio in online optimization

R Eghbali, M Fazel - Advances in Neural Information …, 2016‏ -
Online optimization covers problems such as online resource allocation, online bipartite
matching, adwords (a central problem in e-commerce and advertising), and adwords with …

A stochastic algorithm for online bipartite resource allocation problems

A Legrain, P Jaillet - Computers & Operations Research, 2016‏ - Elsevier
This paper deals with online resource allocation problems whereby buyers with a limited
total budget want to purchase items which become available one at a time and which …

Maximizing profit with convex costs in the random-order model

A Gupta, R Mehta, M Molinaro - arxiv preprint arxiv:1804.08172, 2018‏ -
Suppose a set of requests arrives online: each request gives some value $ v_i $ if accepted,
but requires using some amount of each of $ d $ resources. Our cost is a convex function of …

A truthful near-optimal mechanism for online linear packing-covering problem in the random order model

J Zhang, X Miao, M **, T Du, J Yin - Information and Computation, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Our focus is on the online linear packing-covering problem (OLPCP). Within this domain, we
present an algorithm that attains near-optimal performance based on generalized Chernoff …

Competitive online algorithms for resource allocation over the positive semidefinite cone

R Eghbali, J Saunderson, M Fazel - Mathematical Programming, 2018‏ - Springer
We consider a new and general online resource allocation problem, where the goal is to
maximize a function of a positive semidefinite (PSD) matrix with a scalar budget constraint …

How the experts algorithm can help solve lps online

A Gupta, M Molinaro - arxiv preprint arxiv:1407.5298, 2014‏ -
We consider the problem of solving packing/covering LPs online, when the columns of the
constraint matrix are presented in random order. This problem has received much attention …

Worst case competitive analysis of online algorithms for conic optimization

R Eghbali, M Fazel - arxiv preprint arxiv:1611.00507, 2016‏ -
Online optimization covers problems such as online resource allocation, online bipartite
matching, adwords (a central problem in e-commerce and advertising), and adwords with …

[PDF][PDF] Online algorithm design via smoothing with application to online experiment selection

R Eghbali - 2017‏ -
In this dissertation, we present the results of our research on three topics, namely, the design
and analysis of online convex optimization algorithms, convergence rate analysis of …