Soil health and sustainable agriculture
A healthy soil acts as a dynamic living system that delivers multiple ecosystem services,
such as sustaining water quality and plant productivity, controlling soil nutrient recycling …
such as sustaining water quality and plant productivity, controlling soil nutrient recycling …
Agricultural sustainability: microbial biofertilizers in rhizosphere management
The world's human population continues to increase, posing a significant challenge in
ensuring food security, as soil nutrients and fertility are limited and decreasing with time …
ensuring food security, as soil nutrients and fertility are limited and decreasing with time …
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and its major role in plant growth, zinc nutrition, phosphorous regulation and phytoremediation
Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) are a big player of the ecosystem which shows a major
concern over plant nutrition by providing access to the soil-derived nutrients. Naturally, an …
concern over plant nutrition by providing access to the soil-derived nutrients. Naturally, an …
[HTML][HTML] What are the 100 most cited fungal genera?
The global diversity of fungi has been estimated between 2 to 11 million species, of which
only about 155 000 have been named. Most fungi are invisible to the unaided eye, but they …
only about 155 000 have been named. Most fungi are invisible to the unaided eye, but they …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanistic insights into arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-mediated drought stress tolerance in plants
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) establish symbiotic interaction with 80% of known land
plants. It has a pronounced impact on plant growth, water absorption, mineral nutrition, and …
plants. It has a pronounced impact on plant growth, water absorption, mineral nutrition, and …
The critical role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to improve drought tolerance and nitrogen use efficiency in crops
Drought stress (DS) is a serious abiotic stress and a major concern across the globe as its
intensity is continuously climbing. Therefore, it is direly needed to develop new management …
intensity is continuously climbing. Therefore, it is direly needed to develop new management …
[HTML][HTML] Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their synergistic interactions to counteract the negative effects of saline soil on …
Soil saltiness is a noteworthy issue as it results in loss of profitability and development of
agrarian harvests and decline in soil health. Microorganisms associated with plants …
agrarian harvests and decline in soil health. Microorganisms associated with plants …
The inevitability of arbuscular mycorrhiza for sustainability in organic agriculture—A critical review
The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are significant fertility-promoting microbes in soils.
They enable soil fertility, soil-health and boost crop productivity. There are generalist and …
They enable soil fertility, soil-health and boost crop productivity. There are generalist and …
Domestication and the evolution of crops: variable syndromes, complex genetic architectures, and ecological entanglements
Domestication can be considered a specialized mutualism in which a domesticator exerts
control over the reproduction or propagation (fitness) of a domesticated species to gain …
control over the reproduction or propagation (fitness) of a domesticated species to gain …
[HTML][HTML] Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustainable agriculture
The coevolution of mycorrhizae with plants represents a major evolutionary adaptation to the
land environment. As a bioinoculant, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a beneficial …
land environment. As a bioinoculant, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a beneficial …