Real orientations of Lubin–Tate spectra

J Hahn, XLD Shi - Inventiones mathematicae, 2020 - Springer
Abstract We show that Lubin–Tate spectra at the prime 2 are Real oriented and Real
Landweber exact. The proof is by application of the Goerss–Hopkins–Miller theorem to …

Ambidexterity in chromatic homotopy theory

S Carmeli, TM Schlank, L Yanovski - Inventiones mathematicae, 2022 - Springer
We extend the theory of ambidexterity developed by MJ Hopkins and J. Lurie and show that
the∞-categories of T n-local spectra are∞-semiadditive for all n, where T n is the telescope …

[หนังสือ][B] Handbook of homotopy theory

H Miller - 2020 -
The Handbook of Homotopy Theory provides a panoramic view of an active area in
mathematics that is currently seeing dramatic solutions to long-standing open problems, and …

Exotic multiplications on periodic complex bordism

J Hahn, A Yuan - Journal of Topology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Victor Snaith gave a construction of periodic complex bordism by inverting the Bott element
in the suspension spectrum of BU. This presents an E∞ structure on periodic complex …

Total power operations in spectral sequences

W Balderrama - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2024 -
We describe how power operations descend through homotopy limit spectral sequences.
We apply this to describe how norms appear in the $ C_2 $-equivariant Adams spectral …

Moduli stack of oriented formal groups and periodic complex bordism

R Gregoric - arxiv preprint arxiv:2107.08657, 2021 -
We introduce and study the non-connective spectral stack $\mathcal M_\mathrm
{FG}^\mathrm {or} $, the moduli stack of oriented formal groups. We realize some results of …

On the EO EO‐orientability of vector bundles

P Bhattacharya, H Chatham - Journal of Topology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We study the orientability of vector bundles with respect to a family of cohomology theories
called EO EO‐theories. The EO EO‐theories are higher height analogues of real KK‐theory …