Safe human–robot collaboration for industrial settings: a survey
Human–robot collaboration (HRC) plays a pivotal role in today's industry by supporting
increasingly customised product development. Via HRC, the strengths of humans and robots …
increasingly customised product development. Via HRC, the strengths of humans and robots …
A review on interaction control for contact robots through intent detection
Interaction control presents opportunities for contact robots physically interacting with their
human user, such as assistance targeted to each human user, communication of goals to …
human user, such as assistance targeted to each human user, communication of goals to …
Interval uncertainty-oriented impedance force control for space manipulator with time-dependent reliability
For specific missions of spacecraft including on-orbit assembly, docking, grasp, etc., the
presence of uncertainties leads to difficulties in the analysis of impedance force control …
presence of uncertainties leads to difficulties in the analysis of impedance force control …
Event-triggered critic learning impedance control of lower limb exoskeleton robots in interactive environments
In this paper, we present an event-triggered critic learning impedance control algorithm for a
lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot in an interactive environment, where the control …
lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot in an interactive environment, where the control …
Iterative learning control with incomplete information: A survey
D Shen - IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper conducts a survey on iterative learning control (ILC) with incomplete information
and associated control system design, which is a frontier of the ILC field. The incomplete …
and associated control system design, which is a frontier of the ILC field. The incomplete …
Human–robot interaction evaluation-based AAN control for upper limb rehabilitation robots driven by series elastic actuators
Series elastic actuators (SEAs) have been the most popular compliant actuators as they
possess a variety of advantages, such as high compliance, good backdrivability, and …
possess a variety of advantages, such as high compliance, good backdrivability, and …
Adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control for high-speed trains with both randomly varying operation lengths and system constraints
Q Yu, Z Hou - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this article, a new adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control (AFILC) method is proposed for
the tracking control of nonlinear uncertain high-speed train (HST) operation systems that …
the tracking control of nonlinear uncertain high-speed train (HST) operation systems that …
Noisy-output-based direct learning tracking control with Markov nonuniform trial lengths using adaptive gains
In this article, a noisy-output-based direct learning tracking control is proposed for stochastic
linear systems with nonuniform trial lengths. The iteration-varying trial length is modeled …
linear systems with nonuniform trial lengths. The iteration-varying trial length is modeled …
Design, modeling and control of a reconfigurable variable stiffness actuator
Y Xu, K Guo, J Sun, J Li - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021 - Elsevier
This work presents a reconfigurable variable stiffness actuator (RVSA) based on a rotational
spring mechanism (torsional spring) and a group of specially designed symmetrical S …
spring mechanism (torsional spring) and a group of specially designed symmetrical S …
Enhanced extended state observer-based model-free force control for a series elastic actuator
With inherent mechanical compliance and programmable force controllability, the Series
Elastic Actuator (SEA) has been a popular choice for modern mechanical systems. It is …
Elastic Actuator (SEA) has been a popular choice for modern mechanical systems. It is …