Safe human–robot collaboration for industrial settings: a survey

W Li, Y Hu, Y Zhou, DT Pham - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024 - Springer
Human–robot collaboration (HRC) plays a pivotal role in today's industry by supporting
increasingly customised product development. Via HRC, the strengths of humans and robots …

A review on interaction control for contact robots through intent detection

Y Li, A Sena, Z Wang, X **ng, J Babič… - Progress in …, 2022 -
Interaction control presents opportunities for contact robots physically interacting with their
human user, such as assistance targeted to each human user, communication of goals to …

Interval uncertainty-oriented impedance force control for space manipulator with time-dependent reliability

C Yang, Z Fang, H Ren, W Lu, Y **a - Acta Astronautica, 2024 - Elsevier
For specific missions of spacecraft including on-orbit assembly, docking, grasp, etc., the
presence of uncertainties leads to difficulties in the analysis of impedance force control …

Event-triggered critic learning impedance control of lower limb exoskeleton robots in interactive environments

Y Sun, Z Peng, J Hu, BK Ghosh - Neurocomputing, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present an event-triggered critic learning impedance control algorithm for a
lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton robot in an interactive environment, where the control …

Iterative learning control with incomplete information: A survey

D Shen - IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2018 -
This paper conducts a survey on iterative learning control (ILC) with incomplete information
and associated control system design, which is a frontier of the ILC field. The incomplete …

Human–robot interaction evaluation-based AAN control for upper limb rehabilitation robots driven by series elastic actuators

S Han, H Wang, H Yu - IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2023 -
Series elastic actuators (SEAs) have been the most popular compliant actuators as they
possess a variety of advantages, such as high compliance, good backdrivability, and …

Adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control for high-speed trains with both randomly varying operation lengths and system constraints

Q Yu, Z Hou - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020 -
In this article, a new adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control (AFILC) method is proposed for
the tracking control of nonlinear uncertain high-speed train (HST) operation systems that …

Noisy-output-based direct learning tracking control with Markov nonuniform trial lengths using adaptive gains

D Shen, SS Saab - IEEE transactions on automatic control, 2021 -
In this article, a noisy-output-based direct learning tracking control is proposed for stochastic
linear systems with nonuniform trial lengths. The iteration-varying trial length is modeled …

Design, modeling and control of a reconfigurable variable stiffness actuator

Y Xu, K Guo, J Sun, J Li - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021 - Elsevier
This work presents a reconfigurable variable stiffness actuator (RVSA) based on a rotational
spring mechanism (torsional spring) and a group of specially designed symmetrical S …

Enhanced extended state observer-based model-free force control for a series elastic actuator

S Han, H Wang, Y Tian, H Yu - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023 - Elsevier
With inherent mechanical compliance and programmable force controllability, the Series
Elastic Actuator (SEA) has been a popular choice for modern mechanical systems. It is …