Enhancing climate resilience of irrigated agriculture: A review
Emerging evidence showing trends in climate change with a strong likelihood those
changes will continue elevates the importance of finding affordable adaptations by irrigated …
changes will continue elevates the importance of finding affordable adaptations by irrigated …
[HTML][HTML] Social impacts of European Protected Areas and policy recommendations
Abstract Effective designation of Protected Areas (PAs) requires the careful consideration of
their social impacts as these are perceived by people. These refer to a variety of issues such …
their social impacts as these are perceived by people. These refer to a variety of issues such …
Defining the qualitative elements of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 with regard to the marine and coastal environment in order to strengthen global efforts for marine …
Abstract The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi Target 11 states that,“by 2020,
at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine …
at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine …
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management works—How switching from mobile to static fishing gear improves populations of fished and non‐fished species inside …
Abstract Designated using a Statutory Instrument in 2008, Lyme Bay marine‐protected area
(MPA) is the UK's first and largest example of an ambitious, whole‐site approach to …
(MPA) is the UK's first and largest example of an ambitious, whole‐site approach to …
[HTML][HTML] Socio-economic monitoring and evaluation in fisheries
Many fisheries policies, management processes, improvement projects and funding
portfolios have explicit or implicit socio-economic development or human well-being …
portfolios have explicit or implicit socio-economic development or human well-being …
Lessons from Lyme Bay (UK) to inform policy, management, and monitoring of Marine Protected Areas
This decade represents a critical period to profoundly rethink human–nature interactions in
order to address the interwoven climate and biodiversity crises. Marine Protected Areas …
order to address the interwoven climate and biodiversity crises. Marine Protected Areas …
Untangling worldwide conflicts in marine protected areas: Five lessons from the five continents
As the number of world Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has been steadily increasing in the
last decades, confrontations within them may have followed the same path. In order to …
last decades, confrontations within them may have followed the same path. In order to …
The socio-economic effects of a Marine Protected Area on the ecosystem service of leisure and recreation
Abstract Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important tool for the maintenance of marine
ecosystem functionality and health and ensuring the onward flow of beneficial ecosystem …
ecosystem functionality and health and ensuring the onward flow of beneficial ecosystem …
Social impacts of a temperate fisheries closure: understanding stakeholders' views
The social dimensions of marine protected areas (MPAs) play an important role in MPA
success, yet these social dimensions are little understood. We explore the social impacts …
success, yet these social dimensions are little understood. We explore the social impacts …
A decade implementing ecosystem approach to fisheries management improves diversity of taxa and traits within a marine protected area in the UK
Abstract Aim Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management has highlighted the importance
of studying ecosystem functions and services, and the biological traits that drive them. Yet …
of studying ecosystem functions and services, and the biological traits that drive them. Yet …