Angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials
The physics of quantum materials is dictated by many-body interactions and mathematical
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
Phenomenology of the normal state in-plane transport properties ofhigh-Tc cuprates
NE Hussey - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
In this article, I review progress towards an understanding of the normal state (in-plane)
transport properties of high-T c cuprates in the light of recent developments in both …
transport properties of high-T c cuprates in the light of recent developments in both …
Anomalously strong near-neighbor attraction in doped 1D cuprate chains
In the cuprates, one-dimensional (1D) chain compounds provide a distinctive opportunity to
understand the microscopic physics, owing to the availability of reliable theories. However …
understand the microscopic physics, owing to the availability of reliable theories. However …
Colloidal nanocrystal heterostructures with linear and branched topology
The development of colloidal quantum dots has led to practical applications of quantum
confinement, such as in solution-processed solar cells, lasers and as biological labels …
confinement, such as in solution-processed solar cells, lasers and as biological labels …
Inelastic X-ray scattering in YBa2Cu3O6.6 reveals giant phonon anomalies and elastic central peak due to charge-density-wave formation
The electron–phonon interaction is a major factor influencing the competition between
collective instabilities in correlated-electron materials, but its role in driving high-temperature …
collective instabilities in correlated-electron materials, but its role in driving high-temperature …
Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by a critical do** in Bi2212
In normal metals, macroscopic properties are understood using the concept of
quasiparticles. In the cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the metallic state above …
quasiparticles. In the cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the metallic state above …
Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor?
S Hüfner, MA Hossain, A Damascelli… - Reports on Progress in …, 2008 - iopscience.iop.org
One of the keys to the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle is the identification of the
energy scales associated with the emergence of a coherent condensate of superconducting …
energy scales associated with the emergence of a coherent condensate of superconducting …
Ultrafast Electron Relaxation in Superconducting <?format ?>by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy is employed to study the dynamics of
photoexcited electrons in optimally doped Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ (Bi-2212). Hot electrons …
photoexcited electrons in optimally doped Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+ δ (Bi-2212). Hot electrons …
The effect of collective spin-1 excitations on electronic spectra in high- Tc superconductors
M Eschrig - Advances in Physics, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
We review recent experimental and theoretical results on the interaction between single-
particle excitations and collective spin excitations in the superconducting state of high-Tc …
particle excitations and collective spin excitations in the superconducting state of high-Tc …
Interplay of electron–lattice interactions and superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Formation of electron pairs is essential to superconductivity. For conventional
superconductors, tunnelling spectroscopy has established that pairing is mediated by …
superconductors, tunnelling spectroscopy has established that pairing is mediated by …