A systematic review of the state of cyber-security in water systems
Critical infrastructure systems are evolving from isolated bespoke systems to those that use
general-purpose computing hosts, IoT sensors, edge computing, wireless networks and …
general-purpose computing hosts, IoT sensors, edge computing, wireless networks and …
[HTML][HTML] Anomaly classification in industrial Internet of things: A review
The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) has the potential to provide real-time, secure,
and autonomous manufacturing environments. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a …
and autonomous manufacturing environments. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a …
A survey of anomaly detection in industrial wireless sensor networks with critical water system infrastructure as a case study
The increased use of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) in a variety of different
applications, including those that involve critical infrastructure, has meant that adequately …
applications, including those that involve critical infrastructure, has meant that adequately …
Attack detection in water distribution systems using machine learning
The threat to critical water system infrastructure has increased in recent years as is evident
from the increasing number of reported attacks against these systems. Preventative security …
from the increasing number of reported attacks against these systems. Preventative security …
[HTML][HTML] Integrated management of safety and security in Seveso sites-sociotechnical perspectives
The call for integrated management of safety and security (IMSS) derives from intensification
of digitalisation development and the increased reliance on information communication …
of digitalisation development and the increased reliance on information communication …
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection in industrial networks
The cyber-physical security of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) represents an actual and
worthwhile research topic. In this paper, we compare and evaluate different Machine …
worthwhile research topic. In this paper, we compare and evaluate different Machine …
Covert channels-based stealth attacks in industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 advent opens several cyber-threats scenarios originally designed for classic
information technology (IT), drawing the attention to serious risks for the modern industrial …
information technology (IT), drawing the attention to serious risks for the modern industrial …
Classifying network abnormalities into faults and attacks in IoT-based cyber physical systems using machine learning
Abstract Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) integrate physical processes with electronic
computing devices and digital communication channels. Their proper operation might be …
computing devices and digital communication channels. Their proper operation might be …
Anomaly detection methods for IIoT networks
IIoT networks are different from general IT networks such as office or business networks
where multiple various types of applications, protocols and traffic profiles are presented, and …
where multiple various types of applications, protocols and traffic profiles are presented, and …
[HTML][HTML] A time-series self-supervised learning approach to detection of cyber-physical attacks in water distribution systems
Water Distribution System (WDS) threats have significantly grown following the Maroochy
shire incident, as evidenced by proofed attacks on water premises. As a result, in addition to …
shire incident, as evidenced by proofed attacks on water premises. As a result, in addition to …