Insights into the activity of single-atom Fe-NC catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction

K Liu, J Fu, Y Lin, T Luo, G Ni, H Li, Z Lin… - Nature …, 2022 -
Single-atom Fe-NC catalysts has attracted widespread attentions in the oxygen reduction
reaction (ORR). However, the origin of ORR activity on Fe-NC catalysts is still unclear, which …

Fluid descriptions of quantum plasmas

G Manfredi, PA Hervieux, J Hurst - Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 2021 - Springer
Quantum fluid (or hydrodynamic) models provide an attractive alternative for the modeling
and simulation of the electron dynamics in nano-scale objects. Compared to more standard …

Precision nucleon charges and form factors using ()-flavor lattice QCD

S Park, R Gupta, B Yoon, S Mondal, T Bhattacharya… - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
We present a high statistics study of the isovector nucleon charges and form factors using
seven ensembles of 2+ 1-flavor Wilson-clover fermions. The axial vector and pseudoscalar …

Axial-vector form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD

R Gupta, YC Jang, HW Lin, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya… - Physical Review D, 2017 - APS
We present results for the form factors of the isovector axial vector current in the nucleon
state using large scale simulations of lattice QCD. The calculations were done using eight …

Axial vector form factors from lattice QCD that satisfy the PCAC relation

YC Jang, R Gupta, B Yoon, T Bhattacharya - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
Previous lattice QCD calculations of axial vector and pseudoscalar form factors show
significant deviation from the partially conserved axial current (PCAC) relation between …

Nucleon axial-vector and pseudoscalar form factors and PCAC relations

C Chen, CS Fischer, CD Roberts, J Segovia - Physical Review D, 2022 - APS
We use a continuum quark+ diquark approach to the nucleon bound-state problem in
relativistic quantum field theory to deliver parameter-free predictions for the nucleon axial …

Benchmarking exchange-correlation functionals in the spin-polarized inhomogeneous electron gas under warm dense conditions

Z Moldabekov, T Dornheim, J Vorberger, A Cangi - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Warm dense matter is a highly active research area both at the frontier and interface of
material science and plasma physics. We assess the performance of the commonly used …

Invariant amplitudes, unpolarized cross sections, and polarization asymmetries in neutrino-nucleon and antineutrino-nucleon elastic scattering

K Borah, M Betancourt, RJ Hill, T Junk, O Tomalak - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
At leading order in weak and electromagnetic couplings, cross sections for (anti) neutrino-
nucleon elastic scattering are determined by four nucleon form factors that depend on the …

Magnetosonic waves propagation in a magnetorotating quantum plasma

YAA Hager, MAH Khaled, MA Shukri - Physical Review E, 2023 - APS
Employing the quantum magnetohydrodynamic (QMHD) model, the basic properties of
magnetosonic waves were investigated in a magnetorotating quantum plasma. The …

Oblique propagation of longitudinal waves in magnetized spin-1/2 plasmas: independent evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons

PA Andreev, LS Kuz'menkov - Annals of Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
We consider quantum plasmas of electrons and motionless ions. We describe separate
evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons. We present corresponding set of quantum …