The cerebellar cortex

C Hull, WG Regehr - Annual review of neuroscience, 2022‏ -
The cerebellar cortex is an important system for relating neural circuits and learning. Its
promise reflects the longstanding idea that it contains simple, repeated circuit modules with …

Climbing fiber multi-innervation of mouse Purkinje dendrites with arborization common to human

SE Busch, C Hansel - Science, 2023‏ -
Canonically, each Purkinje cell (PC) in the adult cerebellum receives only one climbing fiber
(CF) from the inferior olive. Underlying current theories of cerebellar function is the notion …

Intrinsic and synaptic determinants of receptive field plasticity in Purkinje cells of the mouse cerebellum

TF Lin, SE Busch, C Hansel - Nature Communications, 2024‏ -
Non-synaptic (intrinsic) plasticity of membrane excitability contributes to aspects of memory
formation, but it remains unclear whether it merely facilitates synaptic long-term potentiation …

Paroxysmal dystonia results from the loss of RIM4 in Purkinje cells

H Kim, N Melliti, E Breithausen, K Michel, SF Colomer… - Brain, 2024‏ -
Full-length RIM1 and 2 are key components of the presynaptic active zone that ubiquitously
control excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter release. Here, we report that the function of …

Dendritic coincidence detection in Purkinje neurons of awake mice

CJ Roome, B Kuhn - elife, 2020‏ -
Dendritic coincidence detection is fundamental to neuronal processing yet remains largely
unexplored in awake animals. Specifically, the underlying dendritic voltage–calcium …

Designing AAV Vectors for Monitoring the Subtle Calcium Fluctuations of Inferior Olive Network in vivo

K Dorgans, D Guo, K Kurima, J Wickens… - Frontiers in Cellular …, 2022‏ -
Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors, used as vehicles for gene transfer into the brain, are a
versatile and powerful tool of modern neuroscience that allow identifying specific neuronal …

Population calcium responses of Purkinje cells in the oculomotor cerebellum driven by nonvisual input

AS Fanning, AM Shakhawat… - Journal of …, 2021‏ -
The climbing fiber input to the cerebellum conveys instructive signals that can induce
synaptic plasticity and learning by triggering complex spikes accompanied by large calcium …

[HTML][HTML] Sensory over-responsivity and aberrant plasticity in cerebellar cortex in A mouse model of syndromic autism

DH Simmons, SE Busch, HK Titley, G Grasselli… - … Psychiatry Global Open …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Background Patients with autism spectrum disorder often show altered responses to sensory
stimuli as well as motor deficits, including an impairment of delay eyeblink conditioning …

Stochastic reaction-diffusion modeling of calcium dynamics in 3D dendritic spines of Purkinje cells

VN Friedhoff, G Antunes, M Falcke, FMS de Souza - Biophysical Journal, 2021‏ -
Abstract Calcium (Ca 2+) is a second messenger assumed to control changes in synaptic
strength in the form of both long-term depression and long-term potentiation at Purkinje cell …

Multiple climbing fiber innervation of mature Purkinje cells with distinct dendritic subfields

SE Busch, C Hansel - bioRxiv, 2023‏ -
In rodents, most Purkinje cells in the adult cerebellum receive one climbing fiber from the
inferior olive. In postnatal competition for innervation of the growing primary dendrite, one …