Deep learning concepts and datasets for image recognition: overview 2019
We present basics of a deep learning concept and an overview of well-known deep learning
concepts as general Convolutional Neural Networks, R-CNN family, Single Shot Multibox …
concepts as general Convolutional Neural Networks, R-CNN family, Single Shot Multibox …
SIFT and SURF based feature extraction for the anomaly detection
In this paper, we suggest a way, how to use SIFT and SURF algorithms to extract the image
features for anomaly detection. We use those feature vectors to train various classifiers on a …
features for anomaly detection. We use those feature vectors to train various classifiers on a …
Classification of SURF image features by selected machine learning algorithms
We have proposed a concept for classification interesting points in images by means of a
machine learning approach. The basic idea is that each interesting point detected in an …
machine learning approach. The basic idea is that each interesting point detected in an …
License Plate Detection of Myanmar Vehicle Images from Dissimilar Angle Conditions
It has been studied that there is no established LPR (License Plate Recognition) to detect
and identify the license plates from dissimilar angles. The aim of the paper is to detect the …
and identify the license plates from dissimilar angles. The aim of the paper is to detect the …
Detection of Indonesian Vehicle Plate Location using Harris Corner Feature Detector Method
Intelligent transportation systems are now starting to develop. One aspect of the intelligent
transportation support system is how to recognize a vehicle. Vehicle plate recognition is an …
transportation support system is how to recognize a vehicle. Vehicle plate recognition is an …
Nowadays, an increasing number of cameras and surveillance systems can be observed.
The amount of information that these devices produce is enormous, and it is not in human …
The amount of information that these devices produce is enormous, and it is not in human …
[PDF][PDF] Deteksi Lokasi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Menggunakan Metode Maximally Stable Extremal Regions Dan Harris Corner
H Maulana, BKKCDAN VISI - 2018 -
Beberapa penelitian metode pengenalan plat telah menunjukkan kinerja menjanjikan,
namun beberapa metode mungkin gagal dalam situasi yang lebih kompleks karena …
namun beberapa metode mungkin gagal dalam situasi yang lebih kompleks karena …