Progress on table-top isolated attosecond light sources
K Midorikawa - Nature Photonics, 2022 - nature.com
Research on isolated attosecond pulses (IAPs) based on high-order harmonic generation
changed substantially around 2010. Before then, the Ti: sapphire laser was the de facto …
changed substantially around 2010. Before then, the Ti: sapphire laser was the de facto …
Advances in attosecond science
Attosecond science offers formidable tools for the investigation of electronic processes at the
heart of important physical processes in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. In the last …
heart of important physical processes in atomic, molecular and solid-state physics. In the last …
Strong–laser–field physics, non–classical light states and quantum information science
Strong–laser–field physics is a research direction that relies on the use of high-power lasers
and has led to fascinating achievements ranging from relativistic particle acceleration to …
and has led to fascinating achievements ranging from relativistic particle acceleration to …
Tunable, flexible, and efficient optimization of control pulses for practical qubits
Quantum computation places very stringent demands on gate fidelities, and experimental
implementations require both the controls and the resultant dynamics to conform to …
implementations require both the controls and the resultant dynamics to conform to …
Coherent pulse synthesis: towards sub‐cycle optical waveforms
The generation of sub‐optical‐cycle, carrier–envelope phase‐stable light pulses is one of
the frontiers of ultrafast optics. The two key ingredients for sub‐cycle pulse generation are …
the frontiers of ultrafast optics. The two key ingredients for sub‐cycle pulse generation are …
Waveforms for optimal sub-keV high-order harmonics with synthesized two-or three-colour laser fields
High-order harmonics extending to the X-ray region generated in a gas medium by intense
lasers offer the potential for providing tabletop broadband light sources but so far are limited …
lasers offer the potential for providing tabletop broadband light sources but so far are limited …
Optical waveform synthesis and its applications
The quest for ever‐shorter optical pulses has been ongoing for over half a century. Although
few‐cycle pulses have been generated for nearly 40 years, pulse lengths below the single …
few‐cycle pulses have been generated for nearly 40 years, pulse lengths below the single …
Fully stabilized multi-TW optical waveform synthesizer: Toward gigawatt isolated attosecond pulses
A stable 50-mJ three-channel optical waveform synthesizer is demonstrated and used to
reproducibly generate a high-order harmonic supercontinuum in the soft x-ray region. This …
reproducibly generate a high-order harmonic supercontinuum in the soft x-ray region. This …
[HTML][HTML] A custom-tailored multi-TW optical electric field for gigawatt soft-X-ray isolated attosecond pulses
Since the first isolated attosecond pulse was demonstrated through high-order harmonics
generation (HHG) in 2001, researchers' interest in the ultrashort time region has expanded …
generation (HHG) in 2001, researchers' interest in the ultrashort time region has expanded …
Boosting terahertz generation in laser-field ionized gases using a sawtooth wave shape
Broadband ultrashort terahertz (THz) pulses can be produced using plasma generation in a
noble gas ionized by femtosecond two-color pulses. Here we demonstrate that, by using …
noble gas ionized by femtosecond two-color pulses. Here we demonstrate that, by using …