Fluid and deformation induced metamorphic processes around Moho beneath continent collision zones: Examples from the exposed root zone of the Caledonian …

H Austrheim - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract Exposed High Pressure (HP) and Ultra High Pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrains
have been studied in order to assess the metamorphic processes and their role in changing …

Kwangsian crustal anatexis within the eastern South China Block: geochemical, zircon U–Pb geochronological and Hf isotopic fingerprints from the gneissoid granites …

Y Wang, A Zhang, W Fan, G Zhao, G Zhang, Y Zhang… - Lithos, 2011 - Elsevier
Gneissoid granites were traditionally thought to be the components of the Precambrian
basement in the eastern South China Block, but twenty-four gneissoid granite samples from …

The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions

F Corfu, TB Andersen, D Gasser - 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Thirty years of research, and especially the refinements of many geological, geochemical
and geophysical techniques, have uncovered many new facets of the geology of the …

Continental exhumation triggered by partial melting at ultrahigh pressure

L Labrousse, G Prouteau, AC Ganzhorn - Geology, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Partial melting textures, observed in most continental crust buried in ultrahigh-pressure
(UHP) conditions, have mostly been related to their retrograde evolution during exhumation …

Coexistence of lawsonite‐bearing eclogite and blueschist: Phase equilibria modelling of Alpine Corsica metabasalts and petrological evolution of subducting slabs

AV Brovarone, C Groppo, G Hetényi… - Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract In Alpine Corsica (France), deeply subducted metabasalts are well preserved as
lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to∼ 10 localities …

Evidence for hyperextension along the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica

TB Andersen, F Corfu, L Labrousse… - Journal of the …, 2012 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
We propose that a mantle-peridotite-bearing mélange unit, which has been mapped for
more than 400 km in southern Norway, represents vestiges of deep basin (s) formed by …

Fluid-mediated metal transport in subduction zones and its link to arc-related giant ore deposits: Constraints from a sulfide-bearing HP vein in lawsonite eclogite …

JL Li, J Gao, T John, R Klemd, W Su - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013 - Elsevier
High-pressure (HP) veins in eclogites provide insight into element mobility during fluid–rock
interaction in subduction zones. Here, we present a petrological–geochemical study of a …

Dynamic pressure variations in the lower crust caused by localized fluid-induced weakening

E Moulas, B Kaus, B Jamtveit - Communications Earth & Environment, 2022 - nature.com
Metamorphism of dry, lower crust within orogens is often localized in shear zones composed
of mechanically weaker rocks,,–. Several field-based studies suggest shear zone …

Thermomechanical modeling of slab eduction

T Duretz, TV Gerya, BJP Kaus… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Plate eduction is a geodynamic process characterized by normal‐sense coherent motion of
previously subducted continental plate. This mechanism may occur after slab detachment …

Twinning and partial melting as early weakening processes in plagioclase at high pressure: insights from Holsnøy (Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway)

M Baïsset, L Labrousse, P Yamato… - Contributions to Mineralogy …, 2023 - Springer
Eclogitization reactions of plagioclase-bearing rocks in water-limited environments are often
incomplete. In such domains, metamorphism and strain localization interact, yielding …