Fluid and deformation induced metamorphic processes around Moho beneath continent collision zones: Examples from the exposed root zone of the Caledonian …
H Austrheim - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract Exposed High Pressure (HP) and Ultra High Pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrains
have been studied in order to assess the metamorphic processes and their role in changing …
have been studied in order to assess the metamorphic processes and their role in changing …
Kwangsian crustal anatexis within the eastern South China Block: geochemical, zircon U–Pb geochronological and Hf isotopic fingerprints from the gneissoid granites …
Y Wang, A Zhang, W Fan, G Zhao, G Zhang, Y Zhang… - Lithos, 2011 - Elsevier
Gneissoid granites were traditionally thought to be the components of the Precambrian
basement in the eastern South China Block, but twenty-four gneissoid granite samples from …
basement in the eastern South China Block, but twenty-four gneissoid granite samples from …
The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions
Thirty years of research, and especially the refinements of many geological, geochemical
and geophysical techniques, have uncovered many new facets of the geology of the …
and geophysical techniques, have uncovered many new facets of the geology of the …
Continental exhumation triggered by partial melting at ultrahigh pressure
Partial melting textures, observed in most continental crust buried in ultrahigh-pressure
(UHP) conditions, have mostly been related to their retrograde evolution during exhumation …
(UHP) conditions, have mostly been related to their retrograde evolution during exhumation …
Coexistence of lawsonite‐bearing eclogite and blueschist: Phase equilibria modelling of Alpine Corsica metabasalts and petrological evolution of subducting slabs
Abstract In Alpine Corsica (France), deeply subducted metabasalts are well preserved as
lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to∼ 10 localities …
lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to∼ 10 localities …
Evidence for hyperextension along the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica
We propose that a mantle-peridotite-bearing mélange unit, which has been mapped for
more than 400 km in southern Norway, represents vestiges of deep basin (s) formed by …
more than 400 km in southern Norway, represents vestiges of deep basin (s) formed by …
Fluid-mediated metal transport in subduction zones and its link to arc-related giant ore deposits: Constraints from a sulfide-bearing HP vein in lawsonite eclogite …
High-pressure (HP) veins in eclogites provide insight into element mobility during fluid–rock
interaction in subduction zones. Here, we present a petrological–geochemical study of a …
interaction in subduction zones. Here, we present a petrological–geochemical study of a …
Dynamic pressure variations in the lower crust caused by localized fluid-induced weakening
Metamorphism of dry, lower crust within orogens is often localized in shear zones composed
of mechanically weaker rocks,,–. Several field-based studies suggest shear zone …
of mechanically weaker rocks,,–. Several field-based studies suggest shear zone …
Thermomechanical modeling of slab eduction
Plate eduction is a geodynamic process characterized by normal‐sense coherent motion of
previously subducted continental plate. This mechanism may occur after slab detachment …
previously subducted continental plate. This mechanism may occur after slab detachment …
Twinning and partial melting as early weakening processes in plagioclase at high pressure: insights from Holsnøy (Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway)
Eclogitization reactions of plagioclase-bearing rocks in water-limited environments are often
incomplete. In such domains, metamorphism and strain localization interact, yielding …
incomplete. In such domains, metamorphism and strain localization interact, yielding …