Satellite telemetry reveals physical processes driving billfish behavior
Pop-up satellite archival transmitting (PSAT) tags are capable of storing high-resolution
behavioral and environmental information for extended periods of time (approximately 1 …
behavioral and environmental information for extended periods of time (approximately 1 …
Potential impacts of oil production platforms and their function as fish aggregating devices on the biology of highly migratory fish species
This review documents the current state of knowledge and gaps therein, as determined
through a survey of published research on relevant topics, regarding the potential impacts of …
through a survey of published research on relevant topics, regarding the potential impacts of …
Spatial, temporal, and habitat-related variation in abundance of pelagic fishes in the Gulf of Mexico: potential implications of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Time-series data collected over a four-year period were used to characterize patterns of
abundance for pelagic fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) before (2007–2009) and …
abundance for pelagic fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) before (2007–2009) and …
Distribution and habitat associations of billfish and swordfish larvae across mesoscale features in the Gulf of Mexico
Ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted in surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
(NGoM) over a three-year period (2006–2008) to determine the relative value of this region …
(NGoM) over a three-year period (2006–2008) to determine the relative value of this region …
Influence of temperature and oxygen on the distribution of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Central Pacific
The blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is a highly migratory pelagic predator of tropical and
subtropical seas. Information on the habitat use of marine species is fundamental to …
subtropical seas. Information on the habitat use of marine species is fundamental to …
Global habitat loss of a highly migratory predator, the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans)
Aim Climate change is driving the redistribution of species throughout the oceans. However,
the speed and magnitude of species responses, including shifts in their distribution, are …
the speed and magnitude of species responses, including shifts in their distribution, are …
Assessing the exposure risk of large pelagic fish to oil spills scenarios in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico
Exposure risk is assessed based on modeling suitable habitat of large pelagic fish and oil
spill scenarios originating at three wells located in the western GM's deep waters. Since the …
spill scenarios originating at three wells located in the western GM's deep waters. Since the …
New insights into the seasonal movement patterns of shortfin mako sharks in the Gulf of Mexico
Highly mobile apex predators such as the shortfin mako shark (mako shark; Isurus
oxyrinchus) serve an important role in the marine ecosystem, and despite their declining …
oxyrinchus) serve an important role in the marine ecosystem, and despite their declining …
Variability in billfish vertical distribution and fishing interactions driven by environmental conditions in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) are ecologically
important predators and valuable species throughout the world's recreational, commercial …
important predators and valuable species throughout the world's recreational, commercial …
Ecological bridges and barriers in pelagic ecosystems
Many highly mobile species are known to use persistent pathways or corridors to move
between habitat patches in which conditions are favorable for particular activities, such as …
between habitat patches in which conditions are favorable for particular activities, such as …