Effects of secondary plant metabolites on microbial populations: changes in community structure and metabolic activity in contaminated environments
Secondary plant metabolites (SPMEs) play an important role in plant survival in the
environment and serve to establish ecological relationships between plants and other …
environment and serve to establish ecological relationships between plants and other …
Stable isotope probing in the metagenomics era: a bridge towards improved bioremediation
Microbial biodegradation and biotransformation reactions are essential to most
bioremediation processes, yet the specific organisms, genes, and mechanisms involved are …
bioremediation processes, yet the specific organisms, genes, and mechanisms involved are …
Protein-based stable isotope probing
We describe a stable isotope probing (SIP) technique that was developed to link microbe-
specific metabolic function to phylogenetic information. Carbon (13C)-or nitrogen (15N) …
specific metabolic function to phylogenetic information. Carbon (13C)-or nitrogen (15N) …
Analysis of structure, function, and activity of a benzene-degrading microbial community
S Jechalke, AG Franchini, F Bastida… - FEMS microbiology …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
We identified phylotypes performing distinct functions related to benzene degradation in
complex microbial biofilms from an aerated treatment pond containing coconut textile. RNA …
complex microbial biofilms from an aerated treatment pond containing coconut textile. RNA …
Functional responses and adaptation of mesophilic microbial communities to psychrophilic anaerobic digestion
Psychrophilic (< 20° C) anaerobic digestion (AD) represents an attractive alternative to
mesophilic wastewater treatment. In order to investigate the AD microbiome response to …
mesophilic wastewater treatment. In order to investigate the AD microbiome response to …
An appraisal of methods for linking environmental processes to specific microbial taxa
ML Gutierrez-Zamora, M Manefield - Reviews in Environmental Science …, 2010 - Springer
The last decade has witnessed a revolution in the development of methods and technology
available to investigate the ecological roles of microorganisms in the environment. As a …
available to investigate the ecological roles of microorganisms in the environment. As a …
Sequence Specific Primer Extension RNA Analysis (SeSPERA) for the investigation of substrate utilization of microbial communities
AG Franchini, M Nikolausz, M Kästner - Journal of microbiological methods, 2009 - Elsevier
A simple, fast and cost-effective method for the taxon-specific separation of various 16S
rRNAs was developed. This primer extension mediated separation of different RNA species …
rRNAs was developed. This primer extension mediated separation of different RNA species …
[BOK][B] Ecological mechanisms and effectiveness of bioremediation in Alaska
MCCE Leewis - 2014 - search.proquest.com
What drives microbial community structure and function is a fundamental question of
microbial ecology. Soil microbial communities have wide ranging metabolic capabilities …
microbial ecology. Soil microbial communities have wide ranging metabolic capabilities …
[PDF][PDF] A nemtenyésztéses diverzitáselemző molekuláris eljárások haszna a környezeti bakteriológiában
M Károly - 2008 - core.ac.uk
IV. 4.3. 1. DNS kivonás környezeti mintákból 60 IV. 4.3. 2. RNS kivonás környezeti mintákból
60 IV. 4.3. 3. Konszenzus PCR technikák 64 IV. 4.3. 4. Reverz transzkripció 64 IV. 4.3. 5 …
60 IV. 4.3. 3. Konszenzus PCR technikák 64 IV. 4.3. 4. Reverz transzkripció 64 IV. 4.3. 5 …
[SITAT][C] A nemtenyésztés diverzitáselemző molekuláris eljárások haszna a környezeti bakteriológiában.
K Márialigeti - 2008 - ELTE