Effects of secondary plant metabolites on microbial populations: changes in community structure and metabolic activity in contaminated environments

L Musilova, J Ridl, M Polivkova, T Macek… - International journal of …, 2016 - mdpi.com
Secondary plant metabolites (SPMEs) play an important role in plant survival in the
environment and serve to establish ecological relationships between plants and other …

Stable isotope probing in the metagenomics era: a bridge towards improved bioremediation

O Uhlik, MC Leewis, M Strejcek, L Musilova… - Biotechnology …, 2013 - Elsevier
Microbial biodegradation and biotransformation reactions are essential to most
bioremediation processes, yet the specific organisms, genes, and mechanisms involved are …

Protein-based stable isotope probing

N Jehmlich, F Schmidt, M Taubert, J Seifert, F Bastida… - nature protocols, 2010 - nature.com
We describe a stable isotope probing (SIP) technique that was developed to link microbe-
specific metabolic function to phylogenetic information. Carbon (13C)-or nitrogen (15N) …

Analysis of structure, function, and activity of a benzene-degrading microbial community

S Jechalke, AG Franchini, F Bastida… - FEMS microbiology …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
We identified phylotypes performing distinct functions related to benzene degradation in
complex microbial biofilms from an aerated treatment pond containing coconut textile. RNA …

Functional responses and adaptation of mesophilic microbial communities to psychrophilic anaerobic digestion

E Gunnigle, JL Nielsen, M Fuszard… - FEMS microbiology …, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Psychrophilic (< 20° C) anaerobic digestion (AD) represents an attractive alternative to
mesophilic wastewater treatment. In order to investigate the AD microbiome response to …

An appraisal of methods for linking environmental processes to specific microbial taxa

ML Gutierrez-Zamora, M Manefield - Reviews in Environmental Science …, 2010 - Springer
The last decade has witnessed a revolution in the development of methods and technology
available to investigate the ecological roles of microorganisms in the environment. As a …

Sequence Specific Primer Extension RNA Analysis (SeSPERA) for the investigation of substrate utilization of microbial communities

AG Franchini, M Nikolausz, M Kästner - Journal of microbiological methods, 2009 - Elsevier
A simple, fast and cost-effective method for the taxon-specific separation of various 16S
rRNAs was developed. This primer extension mediated separation of different RNA species …

[BOK][B] Ecological mechanisms and effectiveness of bioremediation in Alaska

MCCE Leewis - 2014 - search.proquest.com
What drives microbial community structure and function is a fundamental question of
microbial ecology. Soil microbial communities have wide ranging metabolic capabilities …

[PDF][PDF] A nemtenyésztéses diverzitáselemző molekuláris eljárások haszna a környezeti bakteriológiában

M Károly - 2008 - core.ac.uk
IV. 4.3. 1. DNS kivonás környezeti mintákból 60 IV. 4.3. 2. RNS kivonás környezeti mintákból
60 IV. 4.3. 3. Konszenzus PCR technikák 64 IV. 4.3. 4. Reverz transzkripció 64 IV. 4.3. 5 …

[SITAT][C] A nemtenyésztés diverzitáselemző molekuláris eljárások haszna a környezeti bakteriológiában.

K Márialigeti - 2008 - ELTE