Perfectionism and social anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

KA Ferber, J Chen, N Tan, A Sahib… - … Science and Practice, 2024 -
This meta-analysis examined the relationships between dimensions of perfectionism and
social anxiety. A literature search using the databases PsychINFO, Medline, and Embase …

[HTML][HTML] Coming of age: A reflection of the first 21 years of cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism

R Shafran, SJ Egan, TD Wade - Behaviour research and therapy, 2023 - Elsevier
It has been 21 years since the publication of the cognitive behavioural model of clinical
perfectionism that underpins cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for perfectionism. The notion …

Because excellencism is more than good enough: On the need to distinguish the pursuit of excellence from the pursuit of perfection.

P Gaudreau, BJI Schellenberg, A Gareau… - Journal of Personality …, 2022 -
An unresolved and controversial issue in the perfectionism literature is whether
perfectionism is beneficial, harmful, or unneeded. The model of excellencism and …

“I need to be perfect or else the world's gonna end”: A qualitative analysis of adolescent perfectionists' expression and understanding of their perfectionism.

DS Molnar, M Blackburn, N Tacuri, D Zinga… - Canadian Psychology …, 2023 -
Des preuves convergentes indiquent que la forte prévalence du perfectionnisme et les
pressions associées pour être parfait chez les adolescents constituent un problème sociétal …

A critique on the current state of research on the social and emotional experiences of gifted individuals and a framework for moving the field forward

AN Rinn - Gifted Child Quarterly, 2024 -
Despite multiple edited volumes dedicated to the various theories and conceptions of
giftedness and talent that have been published over the past 40 years, the field of gifted …

From theory to research: Interpretational guidelines, statistical guidance, and a shiny app for the model of excellencism and perfectionism

P Gaudreau, BJI Schellenberg… - European Journal of …, 2024 -
After decades of research and debates about whether perfectionism is healthy or unhealthy,
the Model of Excellencism and Perfectionism (MEP) recently differentiated between people …

[HTML][HTML] Five-factor personality traits and functional somatic disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

TT Lamm, V Von Schrottenberg, A Rauch… - Clinical Psychology …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Introduction Functional Somatic Disorders (FSD) is an umbrella term for various
conditions characterized by persistent and troublesome physical symptoms, that are not …

The efficacy of group psychotherapy for adults with perfectionism: A randomized controlled trial of dynamic-relational therapy versus psychodynamic supportive …

PL Hewitt, D Kealy, SF Mikail, MM Smith… - Journal of Consulting …, 2023 -
Objective: This randomized controlled trial investigated the efficacy of group dynamic-
relational therapy (DRT) relative to group psychodynamic supportive therapy (PST) in …

[HTML][HTML] On orthorexia nervosa: a systematic review of reviews

QX Ng, DYX Lee, CE Yau, MX Han, JJL Liew… - …, 2024 -
Abstract Introduction: Orthorexia nervosa (ON), characterized by a pathological
preoccupation with “extreme dietary purity,” is increasingly observed as a mental health …

Perfectionism: A network analysis of relationships between the Big Three Perfectionism dimensions and the Big Five Personality traits

A Di Fabio, DH Saklofske, A Gori, A Svicher - Personality and Individual …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study investigated the relationship between the Big Three Perfectionism Scale–Short
Form (BTPS-SF)(Rigid, Self-critical, and Narcissistic perfectionism) and the ten facets of the …