Avalanche criticality during ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching

B Casals, GF Nataf, EKH Salje - Nature Communications, 2021 - nature.com
Field induced domain wall displacements define ferroelectric/ferroelastic hysteresis loops,
which are at the core of piezoelectric, magnetoelectric and memristive devices. These …

Far-from-equilibrium criticality in the random-field Ising model with Eshelby interactions

S Rossi, G Biroli, M Ozawa, G Tarjus - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We study a quasistatically driven random-field Ising model (RFIM) at zero temperature with
interactions mediated by the long-range anisotropic Eshelby kernel. Analogously to …

Origin of reversible and irreversible atomic-scale rearrangements in a model two-dimensional network glass

F Ebrahem, F Bamer, B Markert - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
In this contribution, we investigate the fundamental mechanism of plasticity in a model two-
dimensional network glass. The glass is generated by using a Monte Carlo bond-switching …

Effective forces in thermal amorphous solids with generic interactions

G Parisi, I Procaccia, C Shor, J Zylberg - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
In thermal glasses at temperatures sufficiently lower than the glass transition, the constituent
particles are trapped in their cages for a sufficiently long time such that their time-averaged …

Anatomy of plastic events in magnetic amorphous solids

HGE Hentschel, I Procaccia, BS Gupta - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
Plastic events in amorphous solids can be much more than just “shear transformation zones”
when the positional degrees of freedom are coupled nontrivially to other degrees of …

Magnetomechanical coupling in thermal amorphous solids

HGE Hentschel, V Ilyin, C Mondal, I Procaccia - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
Standard approaches to magnetomechanical interactions in thermal magnetic crystalline
solids involve Landau functionals in which the lattice anisotropy and the resulting …