Avalanche criticality during ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching
Field induced domain wall displacements define ferroelectric/ferroelastic hysteresis loops,
which are at the core of piezoelectric, magnetoelectric and memristive devices. These …
which are at the core of piezoelectric, magnetoelectric and memristive devices. These …
Far-from-equilibrium criticality in the random-field Ising model with Eshelby interactions
We study a quasistatically driven random-field Ising model (RFIM) at zero temperature with
interactions mediated by the long-range anisotropic Eshelby kernel. Analogously to …
interactions mediated by the long-range anisotropic Eshelby kernel. Analogously to …
Origin of reversible and irreversible atomic-scale rearrangements in a model two-dimensional network glass
In this contribution, we investigate the fundamental mechanism of plasticity in a model two-
dimensional network glass. The glass is generated by using a Monte Carlo bond-switching …
dimensional network glass. The glass is generated by using a Monte Carlo bond-switching …
Effective forces in thermal amorphous solids with generic interactions
In thermal glasses at temperatures sufficiently lower than the glass transition, the constituent
particles are trapped in their cages for a sufficiently long time such that their time-averaged …
particles are trapped in their cages for a sufficiently long time such that their time-averaged …
Anatomy of plastic events in magnetic amorphous solids
Plastic events in amorphous solids can be much more than just “shear transformation zones”
when the positional degrees of freedom are coupled nontrivially to other degrees of …
when the positional degrees of freedom are coupled nontrivially to other degrees of …
Magnetomechanical coupling in thermal amorphous solids
Standard approaches to magnetomechanical interactions in thermal magnetic crystalline
solids involve Landau functionals in which the lattice anisotropy and the resulting …
solids involve Landau functionals in which the lattice anisotropy and the resulting …