Formation, features and controlling strategies of severe haze-fog pollutions in China
H Fu, J Chen - Science of the Total Environment, 2017 - Elsevier
With rapid industrialization and urbanization, China is facing a great challenge with regard
to severe fog-haze pollutions, which were characterized by high fine particulate …
to severe fog-haze pollutions, which were characterized by high fine particulate …
[HTML][HTML] An analysis of air pollution associated with the 2023 sand and dust storms over China: Aerosol properties and PM10 variability
M Filonchyk, MP Peterson, L Zhang, H Yan - Geoscience Frontiers, 2024 - Elsevier
Every spring, a large part of China is confronted with sand and dust storms (SDS)–mainly
originating in the Gobi (including Chinese and Mongolian Gobi) and Taklamakan deserts. In …
originating in the Gobi (including Chinese and Mongolian Gobi) and Taklamakan deserts. In …
Classification of aerosols over Saudi Arabia from 2004–2016
Abstract Knowledge of aerosol size and composition is very important for investigating the
radiative forcing impacts of aerosols, distinguishing aerosol sources, and identifying harmful …
radiative forcing impacts of aerosols, distinguishing aerosol sources, and identifying harmful …
Characteristics and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols based on long-term AERONET investigations in an urban environment of Pakistan
Radiative balance, local climate, and human health are all significantly influenced by
aerosol. Recent severe air pollution over Lahore, a city in Pakistan calls for more thorough …
aerosol. Recent severe air pollution over Lahore, a city in Pakistan calls for more thorough …
The empirical correlations between PM2. 5, PM10 and AOD in the Bei**g metropolitan region and the PM2. 5, PM10 distributions retrieved by MODIS
L Kong, J **n, W Zhang, Y Wang - Environmental pollution, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract We observed PM 2.5, PM 10 concentration, aerosol optical depth (AOD), and
Ångström exponents (α) in three typical stations, the Bei**g city, the **anghe suburban and …
Ångström exponents (α) in three typical stations, the Bei**g city, the **anghe suburban and …
Long-term (2002–2014) evolution and trend in Collection 5.1 Level-2 aerosol products derived from the MODIS and MISR sensors over the Chinese Yangtze River …
N Kang, KR Kumar, K Hu, X Yu, Y Yin - Atmospheric Research, 2016 - Elsevier
The present study aims to investigate spatio-temporal evolution and trend in the aerosol
optical properties (aerosol optical depth, AOD; Ångström exponent, AE), qualitatively identify …
optical properties (aerosol optical depth, AOD; Ångström exponent, AE), qualitatively identify …
Long-term aerosol optical depth trend over Iran and identification of dominant aerosol types
The paper focuses on analysis of long-term changes of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over
Iran. It describes contributions of dominant aerosol in the aerosol load over Iran covering the …
Iran. It describes contributions of dominant aerosol in the aerosol load over Iran covering the …
Long-term AOD trend assessment over the Eastern Mediterranean region: A comparative study including a new merged aerosol product
This study conducts a comprehensive estimation of aerosol optical depth (AOD) trend and a
classification of types of aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region using the …
classification of types of aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region using the …
Classification of key aerosol types and their frequency distributions based on satellite remote sensing data at an industrially polluted city in the Yangtze River Delta …
KR Kumar, N Kang, Y Yin - International Journal of Climatology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In the present study, characterization of columnar aerosol optical properties and classifying
the major aerosol types was investigated at an urban–industrial city, Nan**g in the Yangtze …
the major aerosol types was investigated at an urban–industrial city, Nan**g in the Yangtze …
[PDF][PDF] Spatial variations and trends in AOD climatology over East Africa during 2002–2016: a comparative study using three satellite data sets
R Boiyo, KR Kumar, T Zhao - International Journal of Climatology, 2018 - researchgate.net
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) has become one of the most crucial parameters for climate
change assessment. This study presents long-term (2002–2016) spatio-temporal …
change assessment. This study presents long-term (2002–2016) spatio-temporal …