Selective fragmentation and the management of fish movement across anthropogenic barriers

FJ Rahel, RL McLaughlin - Ecological Applications, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Disruption of movement patterns due to alterations in habitat connectivity is a pervasive
effect of humans on animal populations. In many terrestrial and aquatic systems, there is …

Emerging control strategies for integrated pest management of invasive carps

AR Cupp, MK Brey, RD Calfee, DC Chapman… - Journal of Vertebrate …, 2021 - BioOne
Invasive carps are ecologically and economically problematic fish species in many large
river basins in the United States and pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems throughout much …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of the degree of hydrolysis on nutritional, functional, and morphological characteristics of protein hydrolysate produced from bighead carp …

K Alahmad, W **a, Q Jiang, Y Xu - Foods, 2022 -
The production of fish protein hydrolysates from bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
using ficin enzymes was achieved in optimal conditions of 3% enzyme/substrate ratio, 40° C …

Single-stream recycling inspires selective fish passage solutions for the connectivity conundrum in aquatic ecosystems

DP Zielinski, RL McLaughlin, TC Pratt, RA Goodwin… - Bioscience, 2020 -
Barrier removal is a recognized solution for reversing river fragmentation, but restoring
connectivity can have consequences for both desirable and undesirable species, resulting …

Influence of the enzymatic hydrolysis using flavourzyme enzyme on functional, secondary structure, and antioxidant characteristics of protein hydrolysates produced …

K Alahmad, A Noman, W **a, Q Jiang, Y Xu - Molecules, 2023 -
In the current study, bighead carp fish were used in conjunction with the flavourzyme
enzyme to obtain (FPH) fish protein hydrolysates. The optimum conditions of the hydrolysis …

Lock operations influence upstream passages of invasive and native fishes at a Mississippi River high-head dam

AK Fritts, BC Knights, JC Stanton, AS Milde… - Biological …, 2021 - Springer
Asian carps continue to expand their range in North America, necessitating efforts to limit the
spread and establishment of reproducing populations. Mississippi River Lock and Dam 19 is …

[HTML][HTML] A review of grass carp and related species literature on diet, behavior, toxicology, and physiology focused on informing development of controls for invasive …

ML Wildhaber, BM West, KK Ditter, AP Moore… - Fishes, 2023 -
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are globally important in aquaculture and aquatic
vegetation control. However, escaped grass carp have established invasive populations. A …

Effects of harmful algal blooms and associated water-quality on endangered Lost River and shortnose suckers

SM Burdick, DA Hewitt, BA Martin, L Schenk… - Harmful Algae, 2020 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic eutrophication contributes to harmful blooms of cyanobacteria in freshwater
ecosystems worldwide. In Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, massive blooms of …

Multistate models of bigheaded carps in the Illinois River reveal spatial dynamics of invasive species

AA Coulter, MK Brey, M Lubejko, JL Kallis… - Biological …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge of the spatial distributions and dispersal characteristics of invasive
species is necessary for managing the spread of highly mobile species, such as invasive …

[HTML][HTML] Development of carbon dioxide barriers to deter invasive fishes: insights and lessons learned from bigheaded carp

CD Suski - Fishes, 2020 -
Invasive species are a threat to biodiversity in freshwater. Removing an aquatic invasive
species following arrival is almost impossible, and preventing introduction is a more viable …