[CARTE][B] Detection theory: A user's guide

MJ Hautus, NA Macmillan, CD Creelman - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Detection Theory: A User's Guide is an introduction to one of the most important tools for the
analysis of data where choices must be made and performance is not perfect. In these …

[PDF][PDF] Simple adaptive testing with the weighted up-down method

C Kaernbach - Perception & psychophysics, 1991 - emotion.uni-kiel.de
This paper proposes a method for adaptive testing that is less complicated than the
commonly used transformed up-down methods (l up 2 down, l up 3 down, etc.). In addition …

The briefest of glances: The time course of natural scene understanding

MR Greene, A Oliva - Psychological science, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
What information is available from a brief glance at a novel scene? Although previous efforts
to answer this question have focused on scene categorization or object detection, real-world …

Measuring, estimating, and understanding the psychometric function: A commentary

SA Klein - Perception & psychophysics, 2001 - Springer
The psychometric function, relating the subject's response to the physical stimulus, is
fundamental to psychophysics. This paper examines various psychometric function topics …

Individual aided speech-recognition performance and predictions of benefit for listeners with impaired hearing employing FADE

MR Schädler, D Hülsmeier, A Warzybok… - Trends in …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The benefit in speech-recognition performance due to the compensation of a hearing loss
can vary between listeners, even if unaided performance and hearing thresholds are similar …

Foveal vision anticipates defining features of eye movement targets

LM Kroell, M Rolfs - Elife, 2022 - elifesciences.org
High-acuity foveal processing is vital for human vision. Nonetheless, little is known about
how the preparation of large-scale rapid eye movements (saccades) affects visual sensitivity …

Higher sensitivity to sweet and salty taste in obese compared to lean individuals

S Hardikar, R Höchenberger, A Villringer, K Ohla - Appetite, 2017 - Elsevier
Although putatively taste has been associated with obesity as one of the factors governing
food intake, previous studies have failed to find a consistent link between taste perception …

Stability and selectivity of a chronic, multi-contact cuff electrode for sensory stimulation in human amputees

DW Tan, MA Schiefer, MW Keith… - Journal of neural …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
Objective. Stability and selectivity are important when restoring long-term, functional sensory
feedback in individuals with limb-loss. Our objective is to demonstrate a chronic, clinical …

The role of salience in the suppression of distracting stimuli

BT Stilwell, OJ Adams, HE Egeth… - Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2023 - Springer
Researchers have long debated whether salient distractors have the power to automatically
capture attention. Recent research has suggested a potential resolution, called the signal …

Parallel spatial channels converge at a bottleneck in anterior word-selective cortex

AL White, J Palmer, GM Boynton… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - pnas.org
In most environments, the visual system is confronted with many relevant objects
simultaneously. That is especially true during reading. However, behavioral data …