Named data networking in vehicular ad hoc networks: State-of-the-art and challenges
Information-centric networking (ICN) has been proposed as one of the future Internet
architectures. It is poised to address the challenges faced by today's Internet that include, but …
architectures. It is poised to address the challenges faced by today's Internet that include, but …
Named data networking: a survey
Internet was developed as a packet data network where users and data sources (server)
with specific IP addresses interacted over a pre-established communication channel. This …
with specific IP addresses interacted over a pre-established communication channel. This …
From delay-tolerant networks to vehicular delay-tolerant networks
This paper provides an introductory overview of Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks. First, an
introduction to Delay-Tolerant Networks and Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks is given …
introduction to Delay-Tolerant Networks and Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks is given …
Survey of media access control protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks
Recent advances in various wireless communication technologies and the emergence of
computationally rich vehicles are pushing vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) research to the …
computationally rich vehicles are pushing vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) research to the …
Protocols, mobility models and tools in opportunistic networks: A survey
In opportunistic networks, instead of assuming an end-to-end path as in the traditional
Internet model, messages are exchanged opportunistically when an encounter happens …
Internet model, messages are exchanged opportunistically when an encounter happens …
Vehicular networks using the IEEE 802.11 p standard: An experimental analysis
The IEEE 802.11 working group proposed a standard for the physical and medium access
control layers of vehicular networks called 802.11 p. In this paper we report experimental …
control layers of vehicular networks called 802.11 p. In this paper we report experimental …
Performance analysis of a Vehicular Ad Hoc network using LoRa technology and IoT devices in Amazon Rivers
Several remote communities in the Amazon region are isolated from means of access to
data communication. Thus, this work proposes a communication alternative with low cost …
data communication. Thus, this work proposes a communication alternative with low cost …
Vehicular networking: A survey on spectrum access technologies and persisting challenges
Advanced wireless technologies are, nowadays, being exploited as means for intelligent
transportation management and on-the-road driving assistance. However, the recent …
transportation management and on-the-road driving assistance. However, the recent …
[CARTE][B] Information-centric networks: a new paradigm for the internet
Since its inception, the Internet has evolved from a textual information system towards a
multimedia information system, in which data, services and applications are consumed as …
multimedia information system, in which data, services and applications are consumed as …
Sensingbus: Using bus lines and fog computing for smart sensing the city
PHC Caminha, FF da Silva, RG Pacheco… - IEEE Cloud …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Collecting data is an important task to build smart cities. This work proposes SensingBus, a
system to collect data from sensors carried by urban buses. Using buses to move sensors …
system to collect data from sensors carried by urban buses. Using buses to move sensors …