[PDF][PDF] Environment and health impact of solid waste management in develo** countries: A review
R Mahajan - Current World Environment, 2023 - academia.edu
Abstract The subject of Solid Waste Management has attained global attention over recent
years. This issue is observed to be more prominent in develo** countries than in …
years. This issue is observed to be more prominent in develo** countries than in …
Mechanism, formation and transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fruits, vegetables and fresh fish species in Africa: a systematic review of its health …
Abstract Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous hydrocarbon compounds
consisting of more than two benzene rings. Petrogenic, pyrogenic, and biological processes …
consisting of more than two benzene rings. Petrogenic, pyrogenic, and biological processes …
Separation processes for the treatment of industrial flue gases–Effective methods for global industrial air pollution control
The treatment of flue gases has become a crucial area of interest with the increasing air
emissions into the atmosphere from industries involved in combustion of fossil fuels in their …
emissions into the atmosphere from industries involved in combustion of fossil fuels in their …
[PDF][PDF] Solid waste disposal and extent of selected heavy metals in Fadama area of Sokoto city, Nigeria
This study was carried out with the purpose of assessing solid waste disposal and levels of
heavy metals in Fadama area of Sokoto city. A survey using questionnaire and atomic …
heavy metals in Fadama area of Sokoto city. A survey using questionnaire and atomic …
[HTML][HTML] Techno-economic analysis of waste-to-Suburban cooking energy critical infrastructure development in Southwestern Nigeria
This study examined the techno-economic specifications for a Waste-to-Suburban Cooking
Energy critical infrastructure project in Southwestern Nigeria. Technological and project …
Energy critical infrastructure project in Southwestern Nigeria. Technological and project …
Empowering communities through sustainable innovation: transforming Coconut Shell waste into economic and environmental solutions
Pengelolaan limbah tempurung kelapa seringkali diabaikan oleh masyarakat desa, padahal
limbah ini memiliki potensi ekonomi dan lingkungan yang besar jika diolah dengan tepat …
limbah ini memiliki potensi ekonomi dan lingkungan yang besar jika diolah dengan tepat …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of Haulage Vehicle Activities on Ambient Air Pollutants at a Large Haulage Vehicle Park in Nigeria
Activities at large haulage vehicle parks contribute to environmental pollution in Nigeria
through ambient air pollutants. This research seeks to evaluate the harmful effects of the air …
through ambient air pollutants. This research seeks to evaluate the harmful effects of the air …
[ספר][B] Adaptive Power Quality for Power Management Units Using Smart Technologies
A Vaish, PK Goswami, S Bhatia, M Shouran - 2023 - books.google.com
This book covers issues associated with smart systems due to the presence of onboard
nonlinear components. It discusses the advanced architecture of smart systems for power …
nonlinear components. It discusses the advanced architecture of smart systems for power …
Conceptual perspective of renewable energy resources: A paradigm shift in combating world climate change
Across the globe, a significant portion of the world's energy generation comes from the
combustion of fossil fuel materials whose by-products are responsible for the world's climate …
combustion of fossil fuel materials whose by-products are responsible for the world's climate …
Conceptual perspective of renewable energy resources
Over time, humanity has witnessed a dramatic change in all facets of life such as cultural
practices, religious practices, civic activities, municipal transportation systems, and public …
practices, religious practices, civic activities, municipal transportation systems, and public …