Texture features in the Shearlet domain for histopathological image classification
Background A various number of imaging modalities are available (eg, magnetic resonance,
x-ray, ultrasound, and biopsy) where each modality can reveal different structural aspects of …
x-ray, ultrasound, and biopsy) where each modality can reveal different structural aspects of …
Shearlet-based detection of flame fronts
Identifying and characterizing flame fronts is the most common task in the computer-assisted
analysis of data obtained from imaging techniques such as planar laser-induced …
analysis of data obtained from imaging techniques such as planar laser-induced …
Enhancing fracture network characterization: A data-driven, outcrop-based analysis
We utilize a pixel-based fracture detection algorithm to digitize 80 published outcrop maps of
different scales at different locations. The key fracture properties, including fracture lengths …
different scales at different locations. The key fracture properties, including fracture lengths …
An automated fracture trace detection technique using the complex shearlet transform
Representing fractures explicitly using a discrete fracture network (DFN) approach is often
necessary to model the complex physics that govern thermo-hydro-mechanical–chemical …
necessary to model the complex physics that govern thermo-hydro-mechanical–chemical …
Detection of COVID-19 with CT images using hybrid complex shearlet scattering networks
Q Ren, B Zhou, L Tian, W Guo - IEEE Journal of Biomedical …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the ongoing worldwide coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is desirable
to develop effective algorithms to automatically detect COVID-19 with chest computed …
to develop effective algorithms to automatically detect COVID-19 with chest computed …
Edge, ridge, and blob detection with symmetric molecules
We present a novel approach to the detection and characterization of edges, ridges, and
blobs in two-dimensional images which exploits the symmetry properties of directionally …
blobs in two-dimensional images which exploits the symmetry properties of directionally …
CS-GAC: Compressively sensed geodesic active contours
H Shan - Pattern Recognition, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper proposes an edge based compressively sensed (CS) geodesic active contour
(GAC) model, termed CS-GAC, to ensure faithful edge detection and accurate object …
(GAC) model, termed CS-GAC, to ensure faithful edge detection and accurate object …
Road detection based on shearlet for GF-3 synthetic aperture radar images
Z Sun, D Lin, W Wei, M Woźniak… - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
GF-3 satellite is China's first C-band multi-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite
with the 1-meter resolution, which has been widely used in various fields. Road detection for …
with the 1-meter resolution, which has been widely used in various fields. Road detection for …
Shearlet-based edge detection: flame fronts and tidal flats
Shearlets are wavelet-like systems which are better suited for handling geometric features in
multi-dimensional data than traditional wavelets. A novel method for edge and line detection …
multi-dimensional data than traditional wavelets. A novel method for edge and line detection …
Channel edge detection using 2D complex shearlet transform: a case study from the South Caspian Sea
Channels are important sedimentary features in hydrocarbon plays either as targets for
drilling or geohazards that should be avoided, depending on burial depth and fluid-fill. Either …
drilling or geohazards that should be avoided, depending on burial depth and fluid-fill. Either …