Texture features in the Shearlet domain for histopathological image classification

S Alinsaif, J Lang - BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020 - Springer
Background A various number of imaging modalities are available (eg, magnetic resonance,
x-ray, ultrasound, and biopsy) where each modality can reveal different structural aspects of …

Shearlet-based detection of flame fronts

R Reisenhofer, J Kiefer, EJ King - Experiments in Fluids, 2016 - Springer
Identifying and characterizing flame fronts is the most common task in the computer-assisted
analysis of data obtained from imaging techniques such as planar laser-induced …

Enhancing fracture network characterization: A data-driven, outcrop-based analysis

W Zhu, X He, RK Santoso, G Lei, TW Patzek… - Computers and …, 2022 - Elsevier
We utilize a pixel-based fracture detection algorithm to digitize 80 published outcrop maps of
different scales at different locations. The key fracture properties, including fracture lengths …

An automated fracture trace detection technique using the complex shearlet transform

R Prabhakaran, PO Bruna, G Bertotti, D Smeulders - Solid Earth, 2019 - se.copernicus.org
Representing fractures explicitly using a discrete fracture network (DFN) approach is often
necessary to model the complex physics that govern thermo-hydro-mechanical–chemical …

Detection of COVID-19 with CT images using hybrid complex shearlet scattering networks

Q Ren, B Zhou, L Tian, W Guo - IEEE Journal of Biomedical …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the ongoing worldwide coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is desirable
to develop effective algorithms to automatically detect COVID-19 with chest computed …

Edge, ridge, and blob detection with symmetric molecules

R Reisenhofer, EJ King - SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2019 - SIAM
We present a novel approach to the detection and characterization of edges, ridges, and
blobs in two-dimensional images which exploits the symmetry properties of directionally …

CS-GAC: Compressively sensed geodesic active contours

H Shan - Pattern Recognition, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper proposes an edge based compressively sensed (CS) geodesic active contour
(GAC) model, termed CS-GAC, to ensure faithful edge detection and accurate object …

Road detection based on shearlet for GF-3 synthetic aperture radar images

Z Sun, D Lin, W Wei, M Woźniak… - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
GF-3 satellite is China's first C-band multi-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite
with the 1-meter resolution, which has been widely used in various fields. Road detection for …

Shearlet-based edge detection: flame fronts and tidal flats

EJ King, R Reisenhofer, J Kiefer… - … of Digital Image …, 2015 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Shearlets are wavelet-like systems which are better suited for handling geometric features in
multi-dimensional data than traditional wavelets. A novel method for edge and line detection …

Channel edge detection using 2D complex shearlet transform: a case study from the South Caspian Sea

H Karbalaali, A Javaherian, S Dahlke… - Exploration …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Channels are important sedimentary features in hydrocarbon plays either as targets for
drilling or geohazards that should be avoided, depending on burial depth and fluid-fill. Either …