Climate change and timing of avian breeding and migration: evolutionary versus plastic changes
There are multiple observations around the globe showing that in many avian species, both
the timing of migration and breeding have advanced, due to warmer springs. Here, we …
the timing of migration and breeding have advanced, due to warmer springs. Here, we …
Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change
Recent shifts in phenology in response to climate change are well established but often
poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally …
poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally …
Increasing phenological asynchrony between spring green-up and arrival of migratory birds
Consistent with a warming climate, birds are shifting the timing of their migrations, but it
remains unclear to what extent these shifts have kept pace with the changing environment …
remains unclear to what extent these shifts have kept pace with the changing environment …
Phenology of nocturnal avian migration has shifted at the continental scale
Climate change induced phenological shifts in primary productivity result in trophic
mismatches for many organisms,,–, with broad implications for ecosystem structure and …
mismatches for many organisms,,–, with broad implications for ecosystem structure and …
Rainfall-induced changes in food availability modify the spring departure programme of a migratory bird
Climatic warming has intensified selection for earlier reproduction in many organisms, but
potential constraints imposed by climate change outside the breeding period have received …
potential constraints imposed by climate change outside the breeding period have received …
Individuals departing non-breeding areas early achieve earlier breeding and higher breeding success
Conditions experienced by an individual during migration have the potential to shape
migratory tactic and in turn fitness. For large birds, environmental conditions encountered …
migratory tactic and in turn fitness. For large birds, environmental conditions encountered …
African departure rather than migration speed determines variation in spring arrival in pied flycatchers
Properly timed spring migration enhances reproduction and survival. Climate change
requires organisms to respond to changes such as advanced spring phenology. Pied …
requires organisms to respond to changes such as advanced spring phenology. Pied …
Phenological matching across hemispheres in a long‐distance migratory bird
Abstract Aim In the Northern Hemisphere, bird migration from the tropic to the temperate
zone in spring is thought to proceed at a rate determined in large part by local phenology. In …
zone in spring is thought to proceed at a rate determined in large part by local phenology. In …
Long‐distance migrants vary migratory behaviour as much as short‐distance migrants: An individual‐level comparison from a seabird species with diverse migration …
As environmental conditions fluctuate across years, seasonal migrants must determine
where and when to move without comprehensive knowledge of conditions beyond their …
where and when to move without comprehensive knowledge of conditions beyond their …
Seasonal variation in habitat selection for a Neotropical migratory songbird using high‐resolution GPS tracking
Deciphering how environmental heterogeneity affects population dynamics in migratory
species is complicated by the redistribution of individuals in time and space across the …
species is complicated by the redistribution of individuals in time and space across the …